IE 7


Active member
I am thinking of taking the plunge and installing IE7. TRS has always run well with IE6.
Has anyone experienced any problems with IE7?
IE7 came with my laptop last year and I always had problems with it freezing so I always sent the error report to Microsoft. A month or so ago when it did it again, their help screen came up suggesting to start removing add-ons. I'd never added any, but google and yahoo came pre-installed. I deleted yahoo and (knock on wood) haven't had a problem since.
IE7 is a useless piece of software IMO, very slow, clunky and unstable and in my experience it takes a LOT longer to load pages than Firefox. If I were you I'd either stick with IE6 or switch over to Firefox. To answer your question though I can't see why TRS would be affected by IE7 as it doesn't use or depend on IE.

IE7 is the one that uses the new "tabs" isn't it ?

If so, works perfectly here :D

Quite handy IMHO, only one web browser open, rather than 5 clogging up the task bar :hehe:

Microsoft Update and Windows Update require IE, as do some other Microsoft facilities and a few web sites. IE is also extremely handy for editing your own web site's source HTML pages (if you've got one) with View > Source.

Otherwise, I always use Firefox. I'd advise you to try Firefox as it's free of charge, doesn't integrate with the operating system and you can always uninstall it or just ignore it if you don't like it.

I updated to IE7 a long time ago. There are no problems with it on my computer over and above those with IE6.

i used to use internet explorer a few years back used to drive me mad the internet was always slow and the errors messages ....god but once i found out about firefox i never went back , firefox is heaps better ....well to me it is anyway ,
