I am so relieved to read this news; the fact that one member has decided to stand fast, and not flee this proud ship, even as the rats scurry down the lines..........I urge Auran to add forum space for the following sticky posts:
I'm leaving......
I'm staying.....
I'm undecided, but inclined to leave.....
I'm undecided, but will probably stay.....
I'm staying, but I'm not happy about it.....
I'm leaving, but will read all the posts wishing me well......
I'm leaving, but I'll read all the posts wishing me well and will bump the thread when the nice sentiments begin to flag........
I'm leaving, and I haven't bothered to so a forum search for the topic, so I'm making my own thread anyway.......
Then members could post to the appropriate thread, and we could read them daily to reassure ourselves that we aren't alone in our choices. I know it would make my forum surfing so much more enjoyable!
Oh yes, and Ian so astutely pointed out sfrr: "the
long termers have to stay....."