I Give Up !!! What is HOG Texture ???


Still Learning
Howdy.....I searched the forum on the word TEXTURES. I keep seeing references to HOG TEXTURES. My eye-balls are getting tired from reading all of the many posts on textures, and cant find one that specifically describes a hog texture. There are no hits on the word HOG by itself. Just what exactly is a hog texture ???:confused:
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Thank you Jivebunny.....Now all I have to do do is figure out what this description from TrainzLuvr means:( .....A command line utility to create Trainz .gnd files out of .tga images. Designed to quickly import multi-board DEM data into Trainz......

I think I am in way over my head !!!!!:hehe: GND files, TGA images, and DEM data. I think I will just try to understand plain ole everyday TEXTURES !!!

Thanks for the assistance. It is well appreciated. I dont mind the learning curve, but this is getting ridiculous!!:confused:

At least I found the TrainzLuvr tutorial on HOG TEXTURES. I am now laboriously reading through it. Whew!!!
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Unless you actually want to use a DEM or create one you will not really need them. There are about 6-7 main ones and they are used to represent different things on a DEM create file. There are quite a few DEM files (mainly for the US) created by fishlipsatwork kuid 59012 on the DLS.

You can download these and then create your own layout. Each colour means different things;

Red = Roads, Big line = big road, small line = small road
Blue = Rivers, Shorelines
Black = Political Boundaries, (counties etc.)
Teal = Rail lines
Light green = Small streams

If you need any help post again, I have all the textures and can email them to you, this may be easier then getting them off TrainzLuvr. Though it sounds like you may already have them.

Unless you actually want to use a DEM or create one you will not really need them. There are about 6-7 main ones and they are used to represent different things on a DEM create file. There are quite a few DEM files (mainly for the US) created by fishlipsatwork kuid 59012 on the DLS.

You can download these and then create your own layout. Each colour means different things;

Red = Roads, Big line = big road, small line = small road
Blue = Rivers, Shorelines
Black = Political Boundaries, (counties etc.)
Teal = Rail lines
Light green = Small streams

If you need any help post again, I have all the textures and can email them to you, this may be easier then getting them off TrainzLuvr. Though it sounds like you may already have them.


Thanks Seeseeme........ I am using a new test route as usual for trying to figure out this stuff and will holler when I have my TONS of questions !!!:wave: