How to use Randomize command?


I've downloaded and installed Terry Wagstaff's Randomize command (<KUID:169301:100129>) but am unclear as to how to use it. It's not a driver command, so I can't include it in a portal schedule. The instructions say "Use the rule after session has loaded (say wait 5 seconds) and before any other random call is made, so put this rule near the top." The top of what? This looks like a really useful rule, as I frequently find that portals seem to get stuck on issuing the same consists over and over (especially after running for a long period).

Many thanks,
"Randomize" is a rule, not a driver command, then you have to add it to the session rules.

I do not know as this works in T:ANE: in the previous versions, you open the session in Surveyor and then click on "Edit Session". When the session rules appear, you will also see three buttons "Add" (add a new rule), "Edit" (set the parameters, if any are present) and "Delete" (delete the rule), and four arrows, which are used to move the rules up and down, as well as to change their indentation.

Click on "Add" and then select the "Randomize" rule from the list that will appear.

I doubt portals might be affected by this rule if they are set to spawn a train at the very session start; they should be affected, however, if they are not set to spawn trains immediately.

I have noticed that portals generate the first and the last consist stored much often than they should: maybe this rule can correct this behaviour (I hope so!).
"Randomize" is a rule, not a driver command, then you have to add it to the session rules.

I do not know as this works in T:ANE: in the previous versions, you open the session in Surveyor and then click on "Edit Session". When the session rules appear, you will also see three buttons "Add" (add a new rule), "Edit" (set the parameters, if any are present) and "Delete" (delete the rule), and four arrows, which are used to move the rules up and down, as well as to change their indentation.

Click on "Add" and then select the "Randomize" rule from the list that will appear.

I doubt portals might be affected by this rule if they are set to spawn a train at the very session start; they should be affected, however, if they are not set to spawn trains immediately.

I have noticed that portals generate the first and the last consist stored much often than they should: maybe this rule can correct this behaviour (I hope so!).

Thanks for your response Carlo. This is what I had done (in T:ANE), so I guess I wasn't too far off base. I do have a number of portals set to immediately emit trains (delay of 0 minute) so I'll try delaying them by at least 5 minutes and see if that resolves the problem.
