How to use EOT device

The EOT is used on the latest freeware hoppers, and boxcars. In surveyor use the question mark and click on one of them, there will be a box you can put a checkmark in to make it work. You also have to make sure you downloaded the latest train FX library.
Can someone tell me how to use it thanks.
For starters, can we please not bump old threads? This is nearly 2 years old.

Secondly, it's really not hard, find a compatible JR car (the Maxi-IV well car set, for example), place it, open it's properties menu with the little '?' tool in the 'trains' tab, and at the bottom of the menu, there should be a "Attach EOT Device" checkbox. That, assuming you have all necessary libraries from JR, should get you the EOT on that particular car.