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Content manager not working

Hi I'm new and a bit lost so I hope Im in the right place.
My content manager doesn't work it keeps on saying content manager has stopped working and then closes.

My computer is hp q6600 2.4 ghz quad, 3gb ram, radeon 4570? 1 gb, vista 32 bit, built in sound.
thanks in advance.:)
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Content Manager requires OpenGL to function properly. It also needs to get through your security software in order to access the TRAINZ database.

Thanks for the reply. I turned my anti-virus off and it still didn't work though. I think it might be something to do with a fact that I brought it off steam:(
So do you need content manager to install stuff from DLS or is just to manage your game?
Content Manager needs Microsoft.Net framework to run. Check if you have this and what version you have by going to control panel, then add/remove programs (or uninstall a program in Vista and Win7), wait for the list of installed programs to populate then look for entries relating to Microsoft.NET framework and note the version numbers that you have.

Report back here and I will check against the versions on my system to see if we can identify what you need.

No still no luck:(
but thankyou very much for your help
Im going to see if i can submit a ticket
also I'm going to verify game integrity on steam I've done it before just going to keep on trying
thanks anyway more thing to check. Are you running CM (and the game for that matter) as administrator ? This does not mean with an administrator account but browse to the folder where your game is installed, look for a folder called 'bin' then inside here look for the content manager application executable file called 'ContentManager'. Rght click on this and select 'properties'. In the 'compatibility' tab put a tick in 'Run this program as an administrator' and click 'Apply'. You should also do this for the other applicaion files in the bin folder.

While you are in the BIN Folder run Trainzdiag.exe. It will provide a check list of what is needed to run TRAINZ (including CM)

Well I tried to run as admin and I got this error "This application has failed to start because d3dx9_42.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem". Looks like something to do with direct 9? there was a thread about changing from open GL to Direct 10 I think on the General discussion forum may be something to do with that?
PHEW! I finally got it working what I did was re-installed direx 9 (redist something It's on the first posting on the genaral forum) then on the start up screen I clicked options then clicked direct x instead of openGL it didn't work before now I've installed this redist thing it worked and now my content manager now works I need to contact support again and tell them.
But anyway thanks for your help guys:) :wave: :D
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Glad you are sorted. Your Radeon card will probably not run OpenGL, my original 4570 wouldn't but the drivers may have been updated since I changed mine. Its worth checking the Radeon website to see if you have the latest drivers installed
How many people are "Running AS Administrator" but from another user account that is not administrator ?

You have to "Log ON as Administrator", and if you don't: you are NOT the "administrator"

You can not just name a user account: "Administrator". An Administrator has rights over all of the rest of the PC.
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How many people are "Running AS Administrator" but from another account that is not administrator ?

You have to "Log ON as Administrator", and if you don't: you are NOT the "administrator"

You can still run a program as an administrator if your user account is a "standard" (non-administrator) account, but then you have to type in the administrator account's password each and every time the User Account Control dialog pops up, :n: :'( ;) unlike with an administrator account, where you only have to click the "Continue" button. :Y: ;)

Yeah I just updated my gfx card everything ok now, just defraging my hard drive then run an anti-virus scan and clean my desktop then everything will be back to normal:p
And thanks for the tip Cascaderail