How to transfer a 2006 senario to another computer.


New member
Possibly this has been answered elsewhere. But not where I was looking.

I have created a senario based on a standard session that came with 2006. How can I transfer that senario to a 2006 installation on another computer? Do I use content manager or can I simply copy the file? In any case, just where is custom content and senarios placed?
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You know what, I think you should upload it to the DLS, and download it from the other computer.
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You could always find the item in CMP and save it to a CDP. This way all you need to do is take it to the other machine, run the CDP and install it that way.
You could always find the item in CMP and save it to a CDP. This way all you need to do is take it to the other machine, run the CDP and install it that way.

To do this, Open CMP and select the asset or assets you wish to save.
Right click and select 'save to cdp'
Transfer this .cdp file to your new computer.
To Re-install your custom content, simply double click on the previously saved .cdp file on your new PC.

In any case, all assetsd are stored in the local folder. You can copy paste this, and remove the assets.tdx file (and cache folder) to enable TRS to re-build the cache. This method is a bit harder and less safe method.
Thanks for the help.

Have just transfered my route and senario the way Alan Yeomans suggested. I also found if you open Content Manager you can import CDPs via File>Import CDPs. Either way seems to have the same result, though it might happen a little differently. Though the assets then need to be commited (select asset>right click>Edit>Commit) before they will show up on the driver list.

However, I have a problem. When I go to launch the senario under Driver in the new computer a message comes up that a map has not been selected. I have no idea what that means and what I should do. Any suggestions?

Postscript: I should mention that the transfer was made from a 2006 with the Service Park 1 to a 2006 without the service pack. Should that make any difference.
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