How should I texture grassy/grassland plains?

Hello. I made a similar post about this subject on a (now deleted) Milwaukee Road route I was attempting to make set in the Montana plains. I couldn’t find a satisfactory look for the grassland with textures, so I eventually just abandoned the project and deleted the route. I have since then made 2 more attempts at such a route, both failed and 1 deleted, the other turned into a 3 baseboard diorama. I am now making one for a 3rd time, and I intend to finish this one.

However, I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make the plains look less bland and boring. I have found 2 textures that combine well with each other but I would like to add a bit more, as the plains look incredibly bland and boring. I’ve tried almost every grass and dirt texture I have and none of them work well with the other 2. I would like to here your suggestions and (if you could) provide some screenshots of your plains routes so I can get a general idea on how to make my route.
Ok, I will attempt to help you out, as I have a pretty decent method for making these types of grassy plain areas.

The 1st thing you want to look at are the PBR grass textures by Johnnyc1. He is a VERY prolific texture creator, so don't be daunted by the sheer numbers of textures he has on the DLS.
Look for any and all textures with grass in the title, download all of them. You will likely not use them all, but as you build your route, you'll want to have them all available to experiment with.

You will also want to look at the soil, ground and mixed sets that he has on the DLS, as some of those can be used in transition areas near the rails, along cuts, creeks and any hills you might have.
If you have any water features or open ground that might be muddy, there are also mud sets that work really well.

The grass splines that are available on the DLS are a real mixed bag of quality, and age. Here again, you'll want to download alot of different splines, to have a good library to choose from when laying them down.

Method-wise, I will pick an area of empty based board, then build patches of blended textures in large areas, that you can then use the copy/paste tools to apply along the rail lines.
Texture out from the rails for about a quarter of a baseboard worth of grid spaces, using the rotate tool as you paste to further blend these large texture patches.
They do not need to look perfectly seamless, as any differences will be hidden by the grass splines once you start laying those down. Keep the scale at it's lowest near the rail lines, and use the rotate tool alot as you plop texture, to avoid patterning in the blend work, and give better color blends with the grass splines you will be laying down. This matters less the further away from the rails you work as most splines will start to lose sharpness and detail the further away from the camera they are.

Now comes the annoying part. Going through all of the grass splines and laying them down on top of your pasted textures. Due to the methods used to initially create some of the splines, you will find that some have an annoying two sided shading problem, dark on one, light on the other, and this all depends on what direction you lay them down. You will want to lay them down so they are tangent to your rails, so the ingame camera from the train will see the best side as you run your session(s). Some splines also have a edge flicker due to faulty mip-mapping, which I think can be fixed, with some photoshop work, but not really worth the time to do. Those assets really need to be reworked/exported correctly.

You can lay some at angles to the rail lines, but not too acute, as then you see the obvious billboard effect of each spline that way. Mix grass colors and heights, building irregular patches to resemble your screenshots from your Montana thread. On routes with rail work that has a narrow corridor of site restricting scenery along the rails, laying the splines in a near parallel fashion works better, as you will likely have the game camera focused directly forward or backward most of the time. Take into consideration how YOU will drive your route when choosing how to lay your splines, i.e. in-cab, Chase or line-side camera with placed camera assets.

Find and download clam1952's CL Bush sets, and plop clumps of those (again, build copy/paste patches and apply) all over to simulate the random low level bushes found on Montana plains. Keep the bush heights low, embedding part of each bush into the ground.

I guarantee you will not get a prefect result, as the main issue is the quality of what we have available on the DLS isn't good enough for really photo-realistic scenery like other games or sims you may have seen or played in.
Also, when you're in a train, running a session, the splines will still have a tendency to draw themselves in chunks as you drive along, unless you have a really beefy comp setup with very fast draw capabilities.

You can get some very pleasing looking grass fields with these methods, but you will have to be satisfied with what's available.

Thanks for the advice, but I forgot to mention I use (and can only run) TS12. Sadly, TS12 doesn’t have the luxury of PBR Textures, so they’re out of the options. I play on a low end PC, so overusing grass splines is out of the options too. Typically, where you’re gonna see the Milwaukee Road’s electrics, is going to be in all camera views. I am going to try to find more grass textures that match the other 2, as I’ve been using AJS Grass 02 as a base, and grass A B on top so far as they’re both very similar in shade, but the issue is that the other grass textures I have are too bright or dark.

The overall look I’m going for is around the area around where the Lookout Pass line switches off the Milwaukee Road tracks on Avery - Drexel. It’s a more plains like section of the route, and I’ve been itching to have one like that. I also thought about getting MILWest Impressions off of the DLS and electrifying it for a Coast Division area route.
Thanks for the advice, but I forgot to mention I use (and can only run) TS12. Sadly, TS12 doesn’t have the luxury of PBR Textures, so they’re out of the options. I play on a low end PC, so overusing grass splines is out of the options too. Typically, where you’re gonna see the Milwaukee Road’s electrics, is going to be in all camera views. I am going to try to find more grass textures that match the other 2, as I’ve been using AJS Grass 02 as a base, and grass A B on top so far as they’re both very similar in shade, but the issue is that the other grass textures I have are too bright or dark.

The overall look I’m going for is around the area around where the Lookout Pass line switches off the Milwaukee Road tracks on Avery - Drexel. It’s a more plains like section of the route, and I’ve been itching to have one like that. I also thought about getting MILWest Impressions off of the DLS and electrifying it for a Coast Division area route.

Oops. My bad, LOL. I did not even notice you're in TS12! Sorry man :o

Yeah, unfortunately, doing what you want in TS12 is going to be impossible with splines. As you've noticed performance is abysmal in that version. You're going to have to build a new machine that can run at least TRS2019 well.

Good luck

It’s okay. Thanks for the help though. I might just delete that route and instead make a loop route set in Washington on the Coast Division, near Othello.