How do Trainz people interact on line in game play?


Well-known member
Can we interact in Driver sessions?

Can we interact during Surveyor operations?

Can other people on line see my Route when it is open as it is being worked on?

I ask because up until now, I have never ventured into the realm of Multiplayer as a Trainzer.
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Can we interact in Driver sessions?

Can we interact during Surveyor operations?

Can other people on line see my Route when it is open as it is being worked on?

I ask because up until now, I have never ventured into the realm of Multiplayer as a Trainzer.

In Multiplayer driver sessions a common chat is included (we use it heavily), nothing stops you from using your own channels via built-in Trainz iChat or third party tools like team speak.

Surveyor: I think such was planned for "Trainz Next", not supported in TANE, check the articles about the announcement.

When you see a session running, just join and try it :) People are usually friendly towards new players.
Careful not to mix things. Teamspeak (or any other similar tool) is just for communication. This is has nothing to do what you do in Trainz.
In Trainz (Surveyor) you define a session (rules, rolling stock, detailed setup of industry production, consists, objectives etc.), upload this to DLS. Once there you can run it via Multiplayer. Team Speak does support you in organizing the operation of your setup during multiplayer game play with other users. They hear you when they are connected to teamspeak. So you operate 2 independent applications.

If they are not connected to Teamspeak but are in your session, they might do what they want. Or think is best. Might even listen to the commands you type in chat. If you are lucky. Or might simply ignore you for various reasons.

Keep in mind, Trainz is international, not all Trainz players that might log in your session might have level of understanding spoken English sufficient enough for game play.

If you really insist on team speak, you need to organize this and ensure everyone you allow in your session is fine with that.
Can people actually INTERACT with my Trainz session? Can they control MY trains? Can they remotely SEE my Trainz screen?

I need a primer on Multiplayer to know what it is and exactly how it works.

I am new to it.
Multiplayer is just a drive session. It has to be run on a route and session that has been uploaded to the DLS. Someone hosts the session and others join in. I think they are working on a surveyor multiplayer so that a group can work on building route and sessions, but that is in the future.
I probably then would NOT be interested in Multiplayer since I would only like to play on my OWN modded route which cannot be uploaded to DLS.

I will just have to play along with my AI trains, negotiating with them for right of way on the same tracks, as I drive my own on my pike.
Everyone must have the same version of Trainz, the same build number and download the same version of multiplayer driver for the route. One person starts the session and others join in. It can be loads of fun working to finish waybills (jobs) with other players.
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