How can I edit my road?


I am using the Yarn road on my route, but want a small stretch not to have traffic. I have cloned the original, now I just need to know how to edit it not to have traffic. Thank you for your time, Danny
Since this is my first post I don't want to lead someone down the wrong road. Open for edit, in explorer open config., change carrate(?) to zero. Then commit. If it's connected to a road with traffic it will allow cars to be on it also.
P.S. Thanks to everyone on this forum who offer their help and also a Big Thank You to all of those who create and share their content.
Thanks for the help Dean, and welcome to the forums, and this awesome Trainz community! I did what you said and came up with this.......

This is one of maddy25s' assets from build 2.0

YARN L2 DL2 -Si +Sh,<kuid2:124017:26055:2>

Simply cloning it is not enough. You will have to edit the file
with PEVs' PEVSoftImages2TGA uitility to convert the .texture file
to both .txt and .tga files.

The uitility is free. Google it for location, can't remember the site.

After you convert the .texture file, commit and you will have no errors.

The carrate edit should work set at '0'.


Edit: All PEV utilities are available from Shane Turners site.

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Sorry the stupid question since cloning seems to be a thing of the past?

Nope. This was always an issue with cloning built-ins due to the inability to decompress the compressed textures into their components directly. This is why PEV created his tools for us nearly a decade ago.