Hey guys.


New member
After reading my own response to another one's thread best to make my own post: I don't visit the forums much anymore because it makes me strive for excellence in posting any updates more than finishing my route, and I just want to get my route done. My old thread I want to leave dead n buried, but the route isn't. Anything else would come in my own post. I'm working on something relating to that post I replied in, but also to my route. Only difference between now and then is me "saving u guys" from the thousand pics of me moving 10 feet lol. Maybe I've gone as far as NY Penn station, and to my surprise, I found find zero stations on this state that has a route going everywhere on the DLS. Cheers guys, I do miss visiting everyday.
Nice to see you again. Come by and visit.

While I visit multiple times during the day and post often, I agree there's no need to post constant look at me posts when you've added in 40 trees and a lamp post. Save the good stuff when there's something to show. :)

While there's no specific Penn Station asset I can think of on the DLS, there are many train sheds that may work. Check out those glass sheds from Europe. I'm sure you may find something close. You can then combine assets to make your version of Penn Station. While it may not be perfect, you can get it close. Over the years, I've run into the same situation and it's these things that kill many route projects I've worked on because I can't quite find the asset that fits, so I understand what you're going through here, but unless you can model the structure yourself, you'll be stuck.
Frist . I really like your work . 2 I completely understand your frustrations . I've just kitbash to get something as close I can . Your Station are fantastically done . And you have got a lot done vary well along the route . Hope to see more of your route .

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