Help with basic AI commands requested..


New member
Could some kind soul list the command order for a train just to go completely around the figure 8 0f the Brazemore Yard layout in TMR17 with a repeat function so that it continues to do the same loop....allowing it to change junctions and signals if necessary. I am confused on using the "drive to/through track marker" vs. "autodrive" vs "Navigate to/through" commands. Thanks for any examples to let me use as a guide.
I cannot speak for TMR2017 (or your selected layout) but "Autodrive" will NOT change junctions. I use it in sessions where I want the user to manually switch junctions.

I don't have TMR17 so I can't help with that specific route but this is what the commands do.

Drive to/through - The train will set its own path to or through whatever trackmark you specify. If its route is blocked by another train or a signal at red the train will wait for the obstruction to be cleared.

Navigate to/through - This works almost like the Driveto/through command but with the difference that if the route is blocked it will then try to find an alternative route to the destination. This can be useful but can have unintended consequences such as trains reversing for considerable distances to reach a junction that will allow them to use an alternative route and can have a knock on effect with other trains.

Autodrive - This command will just drive a train to the destination but does no route setting so will have to have the route pre-set for it. It was designed to be used with Path Setting rules in the early days of trains but it still works just fine with the Interlocking Towers or other path setting rules and commands in Tane and I assume TRM17. It also has a feature where trains can be stopped at a platform in a position determined by the length of the train.

I hope this helps but post back if you have any questions.


I set a detailed path of Track Direction markers facing against trains, blocking unintended opposite running tracks ... and Train Priority markers on selected tracks, configuring each train to be either a Priority 1 for passenger, or Priority 2 for freight ... You can have way too many named Track Markers and it will clog up your Drive To list, or too few and it will be a nondescript list, and AI will stop for no reason.

My AI trains using Drive, will follow these paths through many complex interlockings, giving passengers priority 1 tracks, and trains will be blocked of using oncoming opposite directional running tracks

In essence I have dumbed down AI, so that even they, can understand the intended pigeon path of breadcrumbs, using no rules
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