An issue I have come across recently is the inconsistency of the 'Drive Via' & 'Drive to' commands. An example - a train stops at a platform to load passengers. There are 2 junctions between the platform and the next trackmark, however, by default, they are set so that they don't require changing for the train to travel towards that trackmark. After loading the passengers, the signal is green but the train doesn't move! Yet the path is set and clear. Manually inserting the 'Autodive through' trackmark command and deleting the 'Drive via' command enables the train to immediately continue its journey. It seems the Drive to & Drive via command sometimes need a junction to change before they will work. But it is inconsistent.
I know that the TH R Route list & Path Rule commands always required you to use Autodrive & not combine with Drive To/via, but it seems this method is creeping in to the standard commands. I don't remember it being like this in the past! Anyone else experienced this or any insights to offer as to what is going on.
I know that the TH R Route list & Path Rule commands always required you to use Autodrive & not combine with Drive To/via, but it seems this method is creeping in to the standard commands. I don't remember it being like this in the past! Anyone else experienced this or any insights to offer as to what is going on.