Help! Surveyor won't load map (No map selected)


New member
Hello all.

Recently I just finished a route I have been working on for quite some time (4 months perhaps), and while in surveyor, my computer crashed. Fortunately I save every 5 minutes or so because I have become used to TRS2006 crashing pretty often.

However, the problem is now when I try to load the route again, I get an error saying "No route is selected" or something like that and please reselect a route. Every other route loads fine.

I would be very saddened if it is lost permanetly even though I can see the files in my install directory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and I hope my english is good enough for everyone to understand.
So you see it in the list but you it doesn't let you use it. Hmmmmm...... Well I'm sorry but this isn't my kind of troubleshooting maybe one of the mods will be around shortly to help you.