Could anyaone help me with this. I tried to use FTP but when I clicked "restricted" file, it's empty . I'm no good with dowload helper and I'd like to use FTP, cause I am an old school guy...
The "restricted file" is a bit of a mystery. Where did you click it, in the web browser (before downloading), in Windows Explorer (after downloading), or what?
I have always had difficulty using Windows Explorer for FTP. For some reason the file window always comes up blank. Instead I use an FTP client such as WinFTP, which is much easier to configure. For a program such as WinFTP, you put in your username, and password into a connect box, and you simply drag and drop the files you wish from the browsing window once you've connected to the Auran FTP site.
You can use your normal web browser program (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) for FTP from Auran's DLS, as follows:
Find the asset on DLS as normal.
Click "Download Page".
On the resulting pop-up window, click "Download (FTP)".
When asked, save the file to a suitable folder on your hard disk (create a new folder if desired).
Wait for the download to complete.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder where you saved the file.
If desired, right-click on the file and scan it for viruses and adware/spyware (good practice with any downloaded file).
Double-click the file and it will install itself.
Could anyaone help me with this. I tried to use FTP but when I clicked "restricted" file, it's empty . I'm no good with dowload helper and I'd like to use FTP, cause I am an old school guy...
I used to have an FCT but it long since expired and I can download with the web-based FTP option using Firefox as described above without doing anything special. I've never tried using an FTP program to download from DLS though, that might well be different.
If I'm doing wrong somebody please tell me. I am absolutely not trying to encourage any form of illicit access.
You can d/load with FTP without having a FCT, but your d/load speed will be restricted to the normal dial up (or so) speed possible. You have access anytime to FTP as john259 explained.