Part 2 to avoid the 5k character limit.
Now with your new route, you may want to bring in the sessions from the built-in version so you can get to The Waylong Stall for yourself. This involves a bit of surgery in Content Manager.
Close Trainz and start again, and choose Manage Content, or do as I and others have done. create a short-cut to ContentManager.exe and put it on your desktop so you don't have to close Trainz to use CM.
In Content Manager we need to find the Mojave Sub route and sessions.
The screen is divided into sections, if you have explored you probably saw this already.
We need to do some searching using the filter.
Click on the tab at the top and choose Installed.
On the left side, slide up or open Search.
Click on the + to add more to this filter.
Click on the new category and change that to Built-in.
Make sure both are set to true.
You'll see a lot more....
Above Installed is a white space...
Type in Mojave and click apply.
You should see 7 items listed including the route.
Right-click on the route....
Choose View Route Sessions.
The display will sit for a second or so... then there will be a list of 32 total.
Click on View in Main List. This will display that window in an accessible format for you to manipulate.
You should see the built-in ones with the yellow PC icon. The rest are red-black DS icons for the DLS....
Highlight The Waylong Stall, if that's the one you want to put into your copy of the Mojave Sub.
Right-click and choose Clone.
The session is now open for editing....
(and we're almost done, seriously!)
Click on the top tab called My Content.
You will see anything you have saved or created under your user ID....
Note the KUID for the cloned route. The one you cloned in the Routes in TS12.
Now we perform surgery on the session.....
Right click on the open for edit session (it shows a hammer and wrench in black), and choose Edit in Explorer.
Windows explorer will open up....
Find the Config.txt file and double-click on it. It will open up in Notepad by default.
Located just under the description is:
Change the bold item here to your map's kuid number. (The one you noted)
We will need to change this in the kuid-table below.....
Go down until you find
0 <kuid:487560:69000> and change this Kuid to your map kuid just like you did at the top.
Save the file, close notepad, and close the Explorer window.
With the open for edit route highlighted, press Ctrl-M to commit the asset. If all has gone well, there will be no errors displayed, and you have yourself your own session and copy of the route to play with.
Note: You could actually clone the route in Content Manager as well and saved a step above, however, I wanted to show you a bit about the Kuids in Surveyor and the filtering.