Help identifying a pedestrian crossing


19 Years of Trainz
This is going to sound vague, but I am really frustrated. On one of my routes, I used a really neat little pedestrian level crossing. It had walk/don't walk lights and attached to sidewalks on either side - as well as the track. I've searched every one of my routes I simply cannot find it. I haven't a clue what the name is or anything else about it, because I failed to stick it in my pick list.

Can anyone help?

BNSF50 made some if I recall. I can't remember the kuid though off hand, but maybe this will get you in the right direction. My feeling is this is part of the NRC series - Not Rail Connected...

I found it! I must have passed over it loads of times, because the name was near the top of my content list: "AJS Crossing (5m)" KUID2:122285:1151:1. It's a nice, double-tracked, pedestrian crossing that uses little traffic lights to indicate when it is safe to cross.
