HELP. How do I retrieve and edit my route that is available to play as a "session"?


Member since 2001
HELP. How do I retrieve and edit my route that is available to play as a "session"?

Can anyone help me out here.
One of my cherished routes disappeared from Surveyor a year ago but I've just recently been able to "access" and play it via an old saved session.
How do I save this route so it can be worked on again in Surveyor mode?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this route was due to be released on the DLS and I was almost finished working on it.

Before I give you the bad news there are a few things you might check first - I apologise if these are "DUH" suggestions.

1. Make sure that Favourites (in the Routes listing) has been turned OFF. This may make your missing route "magically reappear".
2. See if there is an "autosaved" version of your route. This will be listed amongst the routes . If so, start this in Surveyor and save with a new name.

Failing the above.

3. Restore the route from the regular backup you made (:'( What - you didn't make a backup? Well there is nothing like learning the "hard way". In which case see the bad news below.)

Bad News:

There is no way that I know of that you can resurrect a route/layout from a saved driver session - this of course does not mean that it is impossible.
Hi Dimi_108
Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to retrieve a route from a saved session.

However, you may be in luck and find the route in your 'backups' folder in Trainz.

To locate this, first go to your TS12 folder on your computer (the default location will be 'C:\Program Files (x86)\N3V Games\TS12\' or equivalent), and then open the folder called UserData. In here will be a folder called 'backups'. Take a look through here, and see if you can locate a backup of your route.

However, Trainz does limit the number of backups (default is 7), so the backup may no longer be available (depending on how long ago you actually lost the route, and how often Trainz has had to make backups).

If the OP can access and play the session, the basic route must be available to him from wherever he accessed the session. A session does not run alone.

I've just recently been able to "access" and play it via an old saved session.

Thanks guys :)
How do I restore my old back up folders? I've found the ones I need (from 2012) but I don't know what to do from here?

Thanks guys :)
How do I restore my old back up folders? I've found the ones I need (from 2012) but I don't know what to do from here?

Before you do the restore, are you *sure* the route no longer exists? Try searching for all installed routes via CMP. Do an Extended Database Repair, if necessary. It wouldn't hurt to move those backup folders elsewhere as a safety measure. I just want you to be extra-sure you don't have a copy lying around and then overwrite it with an older one during the restore. If you do need to do a restore, use the Import Content feature under the File menu.
I think I *may* have figured out a way to recover a route from a saved game. But the aforementioned recovery options are strongly preferred, unless you'd lose a huge amount of work. My recovery method is sort of a last-ditch effort.