Hello. I just bought trainz and Im frustrated.

Trainz can be a bit daunting at first. keep at it, it is very worthwhile.

It will help us to help you if you quote the KUID of the item or route causing you trouble, Typically the full ID number of the loco you downloaded, which did not appear.

For you information the kuid is set like this


Where 1111 is the creator ID (assigned by N3V)
and 2222 is the content identification (assigned by the creator)
and 3 is the version number of that specific item indicating the number of upgrades.

You may see this as <KUID:1111:2222> If it is in this format it is the original content item with no upgrades.

The Trainz identification system is the basis for everything in Trainz, which is why the DLS can hold so many content items without confusion.

Finally, Trainz build. Your Trainz can not run anything with a build number higher than your particular installation which is shown on the opening screen.

I out of a sneaking suspicion I repeated the same procedure that worked on the boxcar, but failed on the loco again...and it worked!!!

I'm finally getting somewhere!!! :) Ill have to learn more about the deep details of this game though, that's for certain.
Trainz can be a bit daunting at first. keep at it, it is very worthwhile.

It will help us to help you if you quote the KUID of the item or route causing you trouble, Typically the full ID number of the loco you downloaded, which did not appear.

For you information the kuid is set like this


Where 1111 is the creator ID (assigned by N3V)
and 2222 is the content identification (assigned by the creator)
and 3 is the version number of that specific item indicating the number of upgrades.

You may see this as <KUID:1111:2222> If it is in this format it is the original content item with no upgrades.

The Trainz identification system is the basis for everything in Trainz, which is why the DLS can hold so many content items without confusion.

Finally, Trainz build. Your Trainz can not run anything with a build number higher than your particular installation which is shown on the opening screen.


Thanks!!! Good info.

Note to self. After DLing, check open for edit, hit control A to select items then control M to commit them. very important.

I am now in full control of the Mojave route. I, in about two hours, figured out almost everything I need to know (managing the portals, setting up AI Drivers, Adding traffic to the streets, filtering unwanted trains off the content list)...

I must say, this game--once you get the feel for it--is pretty awesome.

Now, quick question; when I set the AI in motion with its orders, does the game sort it out so that trains don't collide, etc? I think I should do a pretty decent job of managing that on my own, but still. It would be nice if there were safeguards. lol

Thank you guys for all your help!!!
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Don't be fooled by the term "AI" - when it comes to Trainz drivers, the "I" really does not stand for Intelligence.

Collisions between trains running under AI control will not happen, the game will halt any trains that are likely to collide and, depending on whether you have used "Drive To" or "Navigate To" (or others) in your driver commands, it will either:-

  1. keep them stationary in their current position, or
  2. try to find an alternative path (which may not be to you liking) and, if that fails, see 1. above.

There are ways of reducing these "standoffs" with track triggers and "Wait until Trigger ..." commands, etc but that is a whole new level to your learning curve.

Buckle up for the ride.
As you can see you have begun a very complex and quite addicting hobby. You'll now spend your time thinking about your latest route project, dreaming about it at work, and find things to model while out and about. :D

Once you get the hang of everything and you've got your program registered, you might be interested in the prototypical stuff including creating routes out of DEM files available from the USGS. Using a third-party program called TransDEM, you can import DEM information along with the accompanying topographic maps to produce a route that's ready for track laying and scenicking as they say in model railroading parlance. The program costs about $30.00 and is worth more than that many times over.

Anyway, that's a bit advanced but I wanted to put the bee in the bonnet and get you thinking about that too.

Enough for tonight. I think you have more than plenty to chew on for now and I'm glad you're having fun and learning so much so quickly.

Another thing that will help is this:

When Content Manager is open, press Alt + F7 to bring up the Settings.

Go to the Miscellaneous tab.

Find the option for 'Automatically commit when installing CDPs' and tick that.

And that's a few minutes saved per piece of content installed. :)

Another thing that will help is this:

When Content Manager is open, press Alt + F7 to bring up the Settings.

Go to the Miscellaneous tab.

Find the option for 'Automatically commit when installing CDPs' and tick that.

And that's a few minutes saved per piece of content installed. :)



Ok. Gotta really important question.

I have filled the route with cars at sidings, and about 8 or 9 locomotives.

All together I probably added about 200 cars to the route. Now...I went to hit quick drive, after saving the session, it never transferred me into Driver Mode. I assume because I have zero commands for all those loco motives and consists.

So...here is the deal. I want to control them all with as little AI involvement as possible. How do I go about setting this up? Is this where it gets hard? lol

Is that why it wouldn't transfer me into driver mode, because it sees me as not having a legitimate session aligned?
When you download an asset from the download station (DLS) it should install automatically. But sometimes they don't and you may find them in the "open for edit" filter. If there are assets showing in that filter, just select all of them and press Ctrl M (commit).

TS12 is getting a bit old and there would be many updates to assets already installed on your PC. You don't need to update all of them but you can check to see if there is a later version of particular assets and you can just download those.

DLC is not the same as DLS content. DLC is the additional payware stuff you can buy from N3V. Examples might be the PRR and Coronation Scot traincars. I'm not sure the same terminology applies to items bought from Jointed Rail or others. DLS is free content provided by users.

The FCT just gives you priority for downloads and over 100mb a day. The 100mb limit waiver seems to take 24 hours to kick in.

One thing you need to use with Trainz is patience. Trainz is so complex that there are a myriad of things that can go wrong. When you have full access to the forums you'll get to read about most of them. :D
When you download an asset from the download station (DLS) it should install automatically. But sometimes they don't and you may find them in the "open for edit" filter. If there are assets showing in that filter, just select all of them and press Ctrl M (commit).

TS12 is getting a bit old and there would be many updates to assets already installed on your PC. You don't need to update all of them but you can check to see if there is a later version of particular assets and you can just download those.

DLC is not the same as DLS content. DLC is the additional payware stuff you can buy from N3V. Examples might be the PRR and Coronation Scot traincars. I'm not sure the same terminology applies to items bought from Jointed Rail or others. DLS is free content provided by users.

The FCT just gives you priority for downloads and over 100mb a day. The 100mb limit waiver seems to take 24 hours to kick in.

One thing you need to use with Trainz is patience. Trainz is so complex that there are a myriad of things that can go wrong. When you have full access to the forums you'll get to read about most of them. :D

I see. Thanks for the info.

To clarify my previous post, I want to be in direct control of all rail activity (as the engineer of each train) on the route. I sure hope that just because I have x number of locos on my route, I don't need to have commands for all of them to initiate a session. I don't care if I have to just move one train at a time. I want to zero AI involvement. It's my railroad after all.

How do I set that up?
Additionally, if I have several of the same loco on the route, how do I tell which driver is controlling which one? There is no way to tell them apart that I've found.
Ok. I fixed my little problem. Hehe.

Which, as is the theme of the day, leads to the next issue. None of the crossings on the route are working. Why could this be?

To clarify my previous post, I want to be in direct control of all rail activity (as the engineer of each train) on the route. I sure hope that just because I have x number of locos on my route, I don't need to have commands for all of them to initiate a session. I don't care if I have to just move one train at a time. I want to zero AI involvement. It's my railroad after all.

How do I set that up?

Just go from one to another and set them in motion. The problem is that you might miss signals, speed limits, etc. Trainz doesn't have the ability to show multiple windows showing the driver's view. Most of us have trouble controlling just one trainz let alone half a dozen.

The crossings should work but I believe there are carz that drive straight through the barriers. That happens in real life. I think CascadeRailroad has a collection of videos showing just that.
Yeah, I tried to program the grade crossings in editor and when I clicked on the slaves, etc, they showed no response. I mean, that's what you do right? You left click on them, I'm guessing? If so, no they didn't work. Kind of a bummer if that's the case. I right clicked as well...no go.
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The train hits the trigger, and lowers the crossing gates ... and the carz with flat sunken wheels drive right on through the trains ... I have no cars ... I have no roads ... no problem ... it's a Twain simulator with wail woad twack !
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You click on the question mark in the add objects tab and then click on the item you wish to change the settings on.