Heartbeat Revisited 2 on TS 12


I have downloaded the above route. I created a session for a quick spin but I found the consist was getting derailed for no apparent reason. I then searched in surveyor and found that auto derail junctions had been introduced using invisible rail.

Anyway, I proceeded to delete them, after having to clone the route, and hit the save as button. I created a new route and session, as prompted to do,and all seemed fine.

When I went into the route options the new route wasn't there. Ok, I thought maybe just a glitch so tried again. When asked to name the route again I noticed that the first attempt was still in the save box and in RED. To cut a long story short the same thing happened again.

Is there a reason for me not being able to clone this route or what is going wrong?
I certainly don't want to do sessions with the auto derail in them. If there isn't any remedy It will be another good route that will be deleted by me.

Thanks in anticipation of an answer.

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I downloaded the Heartbeat Revisited 2 into TS12 49922 this morning also. I then cloned it, renamed it and started creating a basic session for it and then proceeded to remove all of the derailment invisible track and invisible switches. I am still removing the derailers as there are so many.
If you think something is not quite right check on the CM to check that you have a copy of the route in your kuid and if you create any sessions check that the map kuid in the session relates to your copy of the route.


Edit The new route is saved as 3.6 which has a missing kuid Water -1:8008 which makes it faulty just go into the config file and delete this line it's near the top or change the kuid to -1:6342.
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Thanks for the advice. The new route saved that I have in my content is 3.7 and the water kuid is 6351.
When I went into the config file to try your suggestion I wasn't able to change or delete the kuid.

The build I have is TS12 61388 SP1. Could this have something to do with the problem?
Any other ideas are welcome.


The "derailers" are not there to derail, they are there so the route works properly with AI sessions. Instead of deleting just set the junctions so they are set to the mainline. Using invisible junctions was a pretty standard method of getting signals and level crossings to operate correctly.
Yes the water has reset on mine too but that's okay.

How do the derailers make the session work for Ai use. There were about 100 of them, they looked as though they were just a mischievious way of making manual driving difficult.

Any by level crossings or signals? One trick was if you have a level crossing at the end of a platform is to use an invisible junction to keep the gate shut and signal on danger if a train is waiting at the platform when the AI has finished waiting it resets the junction signal is green and gates open to allow the train through. From what I vaguely remember about Heartbeat it had some sessions? Yes it does just had a look.
Think you can achieve things a bit easier these days with ATLS.
Thanks Malc
Never come across these before. I am current running an AI loco around the route to locate all of the speedboards so I can replace them with faster speeds as there are many 10 and 15 mph for no apparent reason. I will look out for any problem caused by removing the invisible junctions. Most of the sessions on DLS are for the original Heartbeat as I have those in TS2010.


Would you please explain what you mean by " the water has reset on mine too" because I still can't edit Track items due to the new route not being accepted. Like you I wanted to change some speed markers and remove the invisible junctions.
It looks like I will have to make do with running the the route as it is but I am going to use Malc's suggestion and alter the invisible junctions to the main line.

I cloned the route and then found that water -1.8008 was missing it also saved as Trainz build 3.6 and showed as faulty. I opened the cloned config file for editting and removed the line with water -1.8008. This allowed me to edit and save the route and start a session. I later added the line water -1.6342 in case I needed it but after saving it I had another look at the config file and found that the water had changed in the config file to -1.6351 so I just left it as it seems okay.
To edit the track items you need to make the route layer editable first.


Thanks for that. I understand what you are saying and now the weekend is over I will try and sort it out.

Hi Dellboy
i'm still removing all of the low speedboards as I work out the sessions.
If you get stuck let me know.

Just found this thread. I have been working on this route for a few months in TS12 Build 61388, replacing some "Speedtreez", and invisible junctions.
I have also used the "Replace Assets" to speed up replacing speed signs and fences.
The only asset I am having trouble with is kuid:2:52682:39091:1 KB crow2, which I cannot remove.
Hopefully I will find away around this.

Regards Dave.
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Hi Dave
It's a very nice route, I've just finished removing the low speed boards and now most of the route is set at 50mph. Slower speeds are easily achieved by using the max speed command. I have used the schedule and copy commands and set up 10 different routes using DMUs throughout and am now testing for conflicts as a lot of the route is single track. I have retained the speedtrees but changed the calendar to 31st July so all trees have foliage.

Are you missing the crow or do you need to remove it.

Hi Dave
It's a very nice route, I've just finished removing the low speed boards and now most of the route is set at 50mph. Slower speeds are easily achieved by using the max speed command. I have used the schedule and copy commands and set up 10 different routes using DMUs throughout and am now testing for conflicts as a lot of the route is single track. I have retained the speedtrees but changed the calendar to 31st July so all trees have foliage.

Are you missing the crow or do you need to remove it.


Hi Ken.

I need to remove it, but for the likes of me when I do remove it, it some how seems to find it's way back. The kuid is listed as faulty in CM.7