Has the time come to give up


New member
For the attention of Robin Hood
Robin as you can see from above I have a number of editions of Trainz and a First Class Ticket to 2038 but after installing each one I was not impressed and uninstalled them all except my beloved 2004 and have a problem I do not understand looking at two items on the DLS I found them both created by the same person so using FTP link as I cannot get the Download Helper (again another problem) I downloaded them the first was fine but the second said it was unable to find the required user name in the tag package (what is that)and so it would not download why I do not know so I posted my problem in the forum and received the following replies which completely confuse me as to what is the answer. The first reply said I needed patch 4 or my CDP(again what is that) was not compatible with my version I thought that build 2365 2.4 was the up todate build and did not require patch 4 the rest I could not understand patch 4 takes 2004 to build 2370 so do I need it?, The second reply said I needed TO which I have and it would modify the config txt How and why ? The last one showed a part of some columns of TO at the top heading I noticed it say TRS2370 but that is Patch 4 layout so if I have the same pages showing TRS2365 am I out of date and missed an upgrade. Finally you mention a while ago that if one had anything higher it could be that they are blocking my requirements but as I have not got them installed would that apply - I have posted tickets but no possative reply has been received so I would appreciate your expert advice in this matter as to whether it is easy to put right or to forget any more downloads and remain a happy 90 year old with what I have got - Thanks Bertieboy
That's unfortunately one of the issues of using an unsupported version which may not be compatible with the current Download Station systems. The reason you need TrainzObjectz is because TRS2004 doesn't have a proper content manager built-in.

I am supposing that your PC will not run your registered higher versions 09 and 12 ?

I see that you have TRS2006 ?

You should install TRS2006 and I will help you backdate assets

TRS2004 is just so antiquated, that it is hindering you
Shane thanks yr reply but you have not answered my main problem clearly outline in my thread which was if A creates B & C and I can download B without problems why can I not obtain C if I knew that all would be well.anyway once again thanks yr reply
In response - it's mainly due to file format changes between versions. You may have to look for an older version of some assets.

Again uninstall TRS2004 completely ... and install your TRS2006 disc (if your PC can not handle 09, 10, 12)

There is no reason why you should suffer in TRS2004, when TRS2006 is your only alternative, and it as a CMP, that works flawlessly, as does the entire TRS2006 program
Shane thanks yr reply but you have not answered my main problem clearly outline in my thread which was if A creates B & C and I can download B without problems why can I not obtain C if I knew that all would be well.anyway once again thanks yr reply

Because A made a mistake with configuring C. The Problem is likely trivial and easily fixed, but you have not provided enough information for people to be able to assist. At the least you need to quote the exact steps that you are taking and the exact message that you get, so that someone can provide a general description of the problem and the solution. But if you quote the KUIDs of the items involved someone might take a look at them and provide the precise fix.

Because your description of the problem is so vague you are getting advise about your version of Trainz, when the advice you really need is how to get a working version of that asset.
There are still people around that Run TRS'04 Predominately. They don't tend to haunt these forums much because this place is so dedicated to the newer stuff.

Auran/N3V Will never positively respond to any queries about '04 (Unless they're something about placing the software in a museum or something). They have made their desire to never deal with it again known, and thats just the way it is.

And just FYI, I'm all for people using the versions they want the way they want. However it might be good to ask Robin Hood about any other communities that might be dedicated to TRS'04 or at least earlier versions. I know TrainProRoutes used to be the biggest, but it has gone through its own trials and tribulations through the years. Robin Hood would be a much better resource for that. Barring that I would suggest acquiring Robin Hood's Email, as well as anyone else who is likely to share an interest in Running the older Programs.

That said, no matter who you go to for help (And I'm sure we will help you to the best of our ability), we need, in the least (A little contrary to what a previous person posted), KUID#s. Without those we have no idea what assets it is you're looking at or why they might be flagging errors. Usually, with just the KUID#s and brief description of the issue we can sort something out fairly quickly.

I will say, as a shot in the dark, is that subsumed assets underneath a "larger" asset are subject to the same rules as any other asset. If they're not built correctly, they flag errors and don't work. If I hack off your leg, but you're perfectly good health otherwise, you still won't be able to walk... Its the same with Assets. If the Cab (Or Bogies, Or Sounds, or sometimes even Coronas) of a Locomotive doesn't work for whatever reason, the game won't load the locomotive. Simple as that.

Good Luck,
There are still people around that Run TRS'04 Predominately. They don't tend to haunt these forums much because this place is so dedicated to the newer stuff.

Auran/N3V Will never positively respond to any queries about '04 (Unless they're something about placing the software in a museum or something). They have made their desire to never deal with it again known, and thats just the way it is.


I will say, as a shot in the dark, is that subsumed assets underneath a "larger" asset are subject to the same rules as any other asset. If they're not built correctly, they flag errors and don't work. If I hack off your leg, but you're perfectly good health otherwise, you still won't be able to walk... Its the same with Assets. If the Cab (Or Bogies, Or Sounds, or sometimes even Coronas) of a Locomotive doesn't work for whatever reason, the game won't load the locomotive. Simple as that.

Good Luck,

TRS2004 is now 12 years old, or about that. The company stopped supporting the older versions a couple of years ago because like many companies they can't afford to spend the time supporting an older product. I know, I worked for a company that supported 6 versions of their RIP software plus the earliest releases of their hardware. As the staff was downsized, this became more and more difficult to do and it became an impetus to drop support for the older hardware and to sell upgrade packages to those that could afford it but never did upgrade. This is the way it is and is no different with Microsoft, General Motors, Chrysler, Adobe, etc., do things. As you pointed out, forums on sites such as TrainzPro Routes still supports TRS2004. This is great to have the community behind the older products, but as far as the company doing it, they don't have the support, time or energy which should be spent on getting T:ANE fully operational, perhaps implementing SLI which has been heavily discussed, and other things.

Modifying new content to work in the oldest versions does not always work. Simply changing the build-number will sometimes work for simple assets, but many of the newer assets now contain different methods of implementing LOD, textures, and other stuff which was totally unheard of in TRS2004 and before. The end result is many assets will fail or cause the program to crash. Keep in mind that unlike TRS2006 and above, TRS2004 does not have the error checking for content to the same extent as these newer products. In the newer versions of Trainz, as much as people kvetch about the error reporting, CM will stop the faulty content from loading and crashing the simulator. With TRS2004 and before, faulty content would be loaded anyway and the simulator would crash completely with General Protection Faults and reporting right to the desktop.

So supporting older versions is a lot more complex than you think.

As you have TRS2006 and it has a great working CMP, and TRS2004 does NOT have a CMP, and needs TrainzObjects in order to import and change things .... It would be to your advantage to uninstall TRS2004, and switch to TRS2006 (if your PC can not handle 09, 10, 12) ... Keeping yourself stuck in antiquated TRS2004 is making you suffer, when TRS2006 is the better program, over TRS2004