Happy thanksgiving!

From my family and the crews from the L&A would like to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving.

Alice says she has plenty of turkey and fixins and will be open all day Thanksgiving. Remember you can get anything you want an Alice's Restaurant, except Alice :p


My Thanksgiving started off with Pumkin Spice English muffins, that had moldy spots on them (I picked the visible mold spots off, and threw the mold away) I toasted them, and put peanut butter BBDate 2014 on them, and I hardly got sick and died at all.

My son said that he had other Thanksgiving plans, so he never showed up. My GF ate all the yummy leftover Chinese food for lunch, and said outloud "that that was so good", and she remarked that she saved me one single grain of rice on the plate for me ... and I ate it ... YUM !

My GF said she wasn't going to be home for dinner and had other plans, so the raw turkey still sits in the fridge. She went out to a friends house for dinner, and brought home a 1/2 pie, quality high priced custom bakery store pumkin pie ... it had absolutely no taste of any spices whatsoever at all, and was dry as raw pumkin plopped out from a can ... blah ! A 1/2 a bottle of Yellowtail wine that tasted like spoiled vinegar ... Honestly a 2 Buck Chuck® bottle of wine tastes 1000% better than that rotgut swill !

So I made ham and cheese sandwich's, on toasted onion hamburger buns (that also had mold on them, and I pulled the visible mold off), and again I hardly even got sick and died at all. The dogs ate better than me, (and NO ... I did not taste the dawg foodz) but it smelled better than mine did !

Everybody pretends to be the Good Housekeeping Award "Cook of the Year" every Thanksgiving ... and Jesus was born in JUNE ... WTF is all this make believe hype BS all about anyway in NOV-DEC ? The Wise men brought gifts of frankensence and myrr to the child Savior ... I can not fathom as to why all our spoiled rotten, little greedy, undeserving, ungrateful, born out of wedlock brats get showered in presents for X-Mass anyway?

Next year ... NO Thanksgiving ... and the heck with Black Friday and all the Christmas BS scavenger hunt forever !
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Examine the word Holiday ... It stems back in time to: hāligdæg literally meaning "Holy Day" meaning that it was once a religious event, praising God (or what ever you do believe in, or what you don't believe in) and giving "Thanks" for a bountiful harvest, a religious feast day; a "Holy Day" ... and in Pagan times this bountiful harvest meant the difference between a village or Country having a complete winter famine, the difference between life and death, and mass starvation. Halloween also stems from villagers giving thanks for a bountiful harvest.

Then English perverted the word "Holy Day", and joined it together into "holiday", a day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event, A day of festivity or recreation, when no work is done.

Today Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas bears no resemblance to any religious events, and instead takes on the meaning of a grotesque feast, and a riotous spending spree, where it is a grab all you can carry, a "Free For All" frenzy ... and the Christmas Holy Day has become monetary minded: "What did you get for X Mass", "What Gifts were showered upon YOU" ? A sacrilegious Pagan scavenger hunt, for unwanted Pacific Rim, Dollar Store, and electronic gifts, for the undeserving mass's.

So the Thanksgiving today, is a food gorging feast, without "Giving Thanks" ... and Christmas is without Christ in it, ie: XMass !

So ... What exactly is it that you are celebrating ?
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A tag late, but hope everyone has a great thanksgivings, and if you don't celebrated it elsewhere in the world, just keep in mind, big lots of food and get stuff -- it feels good! LOL

Well ish6 I treat the thing light heartedly and know is important to one country of course but it is not a thing for the rest of the world. :cool: