Examine the word Holiday ... It stems back in time to: hāligdæg literally meaning "Holy Day" meaning that it was once a religious event, praising God (or what ever you do believe in, or what you don't believe in) and giving "Thanks" for a bountiful harvest, a religious feast day; a "Holy Day" ... and in Pagan times this bountiful harvest meant the difference between a village or Country having a complete winter famine, the difference between life and death, and mass starvation. Halloween also stems from villagers giving thanks for a bountiful harvest.
Then English perverted the word "Holy Day", and joined it together into "holiday", a day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event, A day of festivity or recreation, when no work is done.
Today Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas bears no resemblance to any religious events, and instead takes on the meaning of a grotesque feast, and a riotous spending spree, where it is a grab all you can carry, a "Free For All" frenzy ... and the Christmas Holy Day has become monetary minded: "What did you get for X Mass", "What Gifts were showered upon YOU" ? A sacrilegious Pagan scavenger hunt, for unwanted Pacific Rim, Dollar Store, and electronic gifts, for the undeserving mass's.
So the Thanksgiving today, is a food gorging feast, without "Giving Thanks" ... and Christmas is without Christ in it, ie: XMass !
So ... What exactly is it that you are celebrating ?