Grimley Trams


New member
Just to say I have uploaded a new tram route, but being a novice at this sort of thing, I didn't specify the 'type' of content so it appears on the DLS as a 'train' instead of a route! Sorry about that, am trying to put it right asap.:confused:
Ian L.
Thanks for the info on config file, John.

As to which type of tram, my favourites are the Glasgow standards (just take a ride down old Grimley high street and you'll see they fit this scenery!), but, as you will be well aware I'm sure, the tram track I've used is the wrong guage for them. (I only have trams on the DLS at present)
As I'm a novice I'm just using the DLS objects I can find and use easily. I'm not a purist, as long as it looks alright to me and is fun to do is the main thing. That said, I'm now using a different AJS track with wider guage on a new layout to try to do it properly:hehe: .
I see you've used the 3'6" AJS tram tracks, so the Birmingham trams by Silversmith from the DLS would be perfect. I'll have to have a download and play when CMP realises I haven't downloaded 100Mb today.

Thanks for the info on config file, John.

As to which type of tram, my favourites are the Glasgow standards (just take a ride down old Grimley high street and you'll see they fit this scenery!), but, as you will be well aware I'm sure, the tram track I've used is the wrong guage for them. (I only have trams on the DLS at present)
As I'm a novice I'm just using the DLS objects I can find and use easily. I'm not a purist, as long as it looks alright to me and is fun to do is the main thing. That said, I'm now using a different AJS track with wider guage on a new layout to try to do it properly:hehe: .

Was there any special reason you put the version at TRS2006 rather than TRS2004 SP4 ie (2.4), most scenery items only need UTC and many layouts are set to 2.4. If you don't have TRS2004 or would like it beta tested in TRS2004 flip me an email and I'll see if I can arrange something.


Thanks John
I am using TRS2006 from the Trainz Collection DVDs direct from Auran (I also have the Just Trains TRS2006 version but often had problems with that - the disc, I guess). I do have TRS2004 SP4 and have used it quite a bit. It seems to me the graphics are v. slightly better in TRS2006, BUT, I assume objects done for TRS2004 or earlier, are actually displayed no different? What are the advantages in building routes in TRS2004?
I am using TRS2006 from the Trainz Collection DVDs direct from Auran (I also have the Just Trains TRS2006 version but often had problems with that - the disc, I guess). I do have TRS2004 SP4 and have used it quite a bit. It seems to me the graphics are v. slightly better in TRS2006, BUT, I assume objects done for TRS2004 or earlier, are actually displayed no different? What are the advantages in building routes in TRS2004?

I normally build in TC but put a lower version or build number in.

trainz-build 2.6

trainz-build 2.4

However in this case it doesn't load with version 2.6 in, interesting. I work with a few people such as Bob Sanders who I have yet to convince of the merits of running TRS2004 even though he has TRS2006 around.

Cheerio John