Gregory Halt


JSECS/SFRG routebuiler
gregory halt is currently a 7 baseboard layout modeling the fictious wessex county of the united kingdom. It features four stations (gregory halt, castlehill, Resthing, and wester) 2 of which are passenger enabled, two mining operations (coal and ebony) and very lush scenery which took me awhile to get right. hopelfully i plan to extend it, but mainly i want to get it on the dls (which im still trying to figure out). I would like to know what everyone thinks of my little county :D.

Gregory halt


Although I'm not a fan of British stuff, that is an awesome looking route! very nice scenery!
Looking good there - though I think you might have overdone the windmills... ;)

And the weather is just as I remember it...:rolleyes:

Good luck with it - I look forward to seeing more...

fortunately the windmills were a joke i was playing on my brother who is for some reason terrified of them :rolleyes:.
As of now everthing works its just getting it on the dls which seems to be very complicated for me,.
Very nice set of shots.

Good to show off your scenery, it takes a lot of thought and time to get that right. CastleHill yard is neat, simple, and not overdone with assets.

Nice work.

(agree about the windmills, although :D )
thank you saieditor, duly noted version 2 will have far less windmills, meanwhile you'll have to delete the windmils if you dont like them.
Gregory halt version one is on the dls, and it already has 111 downloads, to many of you thats not alot but to me its an acomplishment. so ya thank you everyone who has downloaded, and please please please give me feedback on it, i like to know whats wrong with a rute of mine.

Can you advise where I can find these missing Kuids:

Unknown Location: <kuid:153456:92>
Unknown Location: <kuid:47439:39>
Unknown Location: <kuid:47439:93>


Can you advise where I can find these missing Kuids:

Unknown Location: <kuid:153456:92>
Unknown Location: <kuid:47439:39>
Unknown Location: <kuid:47439:93>



sure 153456:92 is an asf 2 from amike, i seem to forgotten to delete that
47439:39 is a horse barn low res from ( i think thats the right adres)
and the last is from the same pack, sorry for the inconvience