GREAT SCOTTT!!! Its Back to the Future Day


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And still nothing in the movie has come close to happening yet. (Still its a great movie series) especially BTTF III.
They got flat screen TV's and Video calls correct. Back to the Future Day truly is inescapable, isn't it, every news network is putting out stories and interviews and ITV2 was showing all of the films back to back (Well, in between Parts 2 and 3 they decided to air a 'tribute' program fronted by an odious little man you don't have in the US named Kieth Lemon). Great films though, they have certainly had an impact on more recent films and TV programs involving time travel such as the Terminator franchise, X-Men, Doctor Who etc.
I guess 3D movies and TV parallel the idea of holographic projection.

Overall I liked the third film best (due to the railway element) but the second was much darkerand really showed the consequences of (in theory) messing with time.
Last night I saw the original Back To The Future in a cinema. The experience was amazing; I thought I'd never get the chance to see it in a cinema! I hope they play Part II and III in cinemas in 2019 and 2021, respectively.

They even had fake advertisements, before the film, for Jaws 19 ("This time, it's really personal.") and the Hoverboard. :hehe:

I must say, too, the cinema was absolutely packed and Father and I had a difficult time purchasing the tickets online! We ended up having to be at the front and off to the right, which isn't bad when you're watching such a great film.

It was amusing listening to mainstream and social media yesterday commenting on what predictions Back to the Future got right/wrong. I think everyone was missing an important distinction between fiction and prediction, the film being the former.

It's easily one of the best trilogies ever made and it's endured the intervening decades very well.

I was lucky enough to get tickets to a Secret Cinema screening of the film last year, which was also an immersive event where Hill Valley town square was recreated at the Olympic Park in London. It's a day of memories that I'll treasure for many years to come, doubly so because my wife and I are both huge fans of the films.
I guess 3D movies and TV parallel the idea of holographic projection.

Overall I liked the third film best (due to the railway element) but the second was much darkerand really showed the consequences of (in theory) messing with time.
Time concept plays a key role once you screw something in a timeline up. Like how Danny Phantom changed one moment in the past and caused a whole different future for him. And how Arthur and the others in Final Fantasy Legend 3 fixed a screwed up time line where the future would cause no more people to live. And in Ocarina of time, after Link pulled the Master Sword and was sealed up for 7 long years, Ganon took over, and caused havoc without Link to protect Hyrule.