Great Central Railway route - which one?


Learning... slowly!
Please can someone point me to which of the multiple versions of the Great Central Railway route is the newest complete one? There's a few marked V5 and I'm not sure which is the latest, complete one and which are sessions etc.

Dear Alex,

Versions V7a, V8 and V9 were designed to be compatible with TANE and V9 is the latest version on the DLS. I am now working on version 9a, but do not expect to upload this before Easter this year. It has extensions at both the northern and southern limits. I can send you further details by private mail. Please remember that the route is very much a WIP. I do hope that you enjoy what has been simulated to date.

Dear Alex,

Versions V7a, V8 and V9 were designed to be compatible with TANE and V9 is the latest version on the DLS. I am now working on version 9a, but do not expect to upload this before Easter this year. It has extensions at both the northern and southern limits. I can send you further details by private mail. Please remember that the route is very much a WIP. I do hope that you enjoy what has been simulated to date.


Hi Peter,

Thanks very much. I'm not actually using T:ANE yet as my computer can't handle it. I'm just interested in whatever is the latest version for TS12 - even if incomplete. Thank you for all your hard work on this route, by the way!