
I for one, should not give expert advice on how to get along with people

1) Don't quote 10 screenshots then post nonsense remarks like: "CP Ooooh Nice"

2) Don't post inflammatory posts, which spurs people to attack

3) Don't be a cascaderailroad, and bump 7 y/o threads

4) Do think before you post, and think how it will make people react, and edit your posts if they are inappropriate

You need not leave ... all you need to do is change

I ain't changin' ... at least not today ... I still got the same schmelly clothes on, as I had on yesterday :hehe:
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A bit drastic?
Ignore Trolls, don't argue with people especially "Internet Experts" who must always have the last word and block those who annoy you and you will be fine.
It's fine to criticise but criticise the post not the person who made it.
Think how others might misinterpret your post before clicking send.
And don't assume just because you had an infraction that others involved have not also got one, especially when it involves some sort of disagreement. Mods will or should never divulge who has been dealt with.
You were never on my "ignore" list, so you can't have been too bad. No need for you to leave. Just put your enemies on your own ignore list, abide by the CoC and watch as your blood pressure returns to normal. :D
Sometimes taking a break from the forums helps too. I agree with Deane and the others you weren't that bad as to get us all into a snit like some users do when they post here. :)

Anyway, with moderation it's sometimes a case of posting in a hot thread and getting caught up in the fray, only to find yourself receiving infraction points too. My suggestion is to stay away from those posts and ignore them, rather than say anything to jeopardize your standing here in the forums. Remember too if you see a post by someone that is definitely bad, report it. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Here's a tip:

If you feel the need to have a say about something that annoys you, by all means type it all out. Then reread what you typed and consider whether you are adding value to the conversation or just stirring the pot and adding no value. Most times you will realise that it isn't worth posting. Typing out a response does release some tension. Discarding that post will not cause any more tension.

No one should put you down for asking a legitimate question. We were all noobs once. But many of us would prefer that questioners try at least some research.

BTW, I often read CascadeRailroad's posts because they are often funny. But I don't always take him, or her, seriously. :)
I really don't know why people come on here when leaving and go on about crap or what we in Scotland would call keech. You could be negative about any thread, activity, lifestyle and so on anywhere. As for myself, I have been here for years and well before that crash a couple of years back and seen all sorts of opinions. Indeed there is one Trainzer who ignores me over a forum non-Trainz matters! The thread starter here is acting slightly like a "wean" as we would say where I live (also!). For those puzzled and unable to live in the centre of the Universe that means a child! Having been involved in life, civic affairs, organisations over my life been interviewed on the BBC, written about , etc, etc I have always avoided such very narrow assessments such as this thread starter attitude. We all have the right to disagree and argue the corner but immature stuff is something else. Folk will come and go but preferably maturely so now back to route building.....! :D