Good virus/spyware etc scanner...


FVRR member
As the title implies,I have been infected with some sort of virus...
Every few minutes I get this pop up... 2/ummyea.jpg

And lord knows it it was a real error it would not say "download this to prevent a total computer crash!"

So any help will be very very very greatly appreceiated.

P.S. this thing pops up everytime I switch pages on the internet and I can close it and it will come back up several more times,then it will stop till I go to another page.
So let me get ready to get flooded with them againa fter I submit this thread...:'( :confused: :eek: :(
Reminds me a bit of smitfraud. A nasty bugger that one. Do a search for smitfraud and see what you come up with. It can be cured but it is a bit messy.


Yea thats basiclly what it is I have discovered....It has even changed my google aorund so the first 2 options that come up on each page bring me to some site...
I went throught the EXACT same thing (well, not the same virus...) I didn't want a virus scanner hogging up all the CPU :p

I eventually had to get a virus/spyware "sweeper". It's called Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware & Firewall. It's not nearly as expensive as having Norton & Spy Sweeper like my dad does. Here's the link:

It barely hogs the CPU, with my older single core :eek: computer @ 2.2 GHz, there was no noticeable difference in Trainz 2006. This program found 2 viruses, 2 trojans, and 11 spyware! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But this advanced version of Spy Sweeper with Antivirus took care of and deleted them no problem!!!!

I think when it says "Download the antispyware" I think it means "Download the spyware", because when I had a virus, I got reminders saying that my system had several spyware traces, and it made me download at least 3 trial virus removers until I got the above product.
I highly recommend it. :)

Hope this helps!
The first one AVG is a virus scanner.

The second Spybot is a spyware remover.

They work good together.
Yes I noticed that:hehe:
But I found a trial one which found a lot and I mean a lot of stuff that my noraml scanner didn't find,and I go to remove it and it says you need to buy it in order for it to remove the files. And I'm just like what the heck is the point of offerring the trial then?Just so you can make people go insane by seeing how much viruses etc they have...:o
Shoot the Messenger

These annoying pop-ups are using something called the Windows Messenger Service. This is a security risk and is used to spam computers throughout the Internet. It was originally designed to allow system administrators etc to send messages to users on their network.

It is nothing to do with MSN or other Messenger services. You can eliminate it painlessly by running a little program called Shoot the Messenger which will "turn it off". If you want it back (I can't imagine why anyone would) you just run it again.

Shoot the Messenger is free and can be obtained from http://

Apparently some versions of Internet Explorer will prevent this from being downloaded. If you have that problem, it only takes a few minutes to download Firefox and use that. Well worth the trouble to get rid of this annoyance.

Hope this sorts it out for you - it did for me!

AVG Free version 8 here:

They bury the correct link to get you to buy it. Sorry try this.;)

I recommend AVG I have it's great doesn't hog up memory either!

I wouldn't press 'OK' because thats just going to make the virus worse. The 'OK' button is allowing the virus to download more spyware and unwanted stuff. Thats why it is connected to Internet explorer.

I had this type of error a while back AVG sorted. I got a Red 'X' in the bottom right side of my screen (where the clock is). It didn't seem to be windows as a windows error would say 'Click 'OK' to download anti-spyware' and no other application would do that.

Remember once you have downloaded AVG don't just sit there and say it's fixed because it wouldn't have you need to do a scan, I found that it takes a couple of scans to fix it because sometimes it miss' the file out or something like that...

Once you have done your scan remember to delete the stuff you have found! You probably find other unwanted stuff would by this program as well. It knows what is a windows program and what isn't o don't be worried to not delete stuff!...Oh, and it updates about everyday!

Hope it goes away,
If your problem is caused by the Windows Messenger service (as described in my previous post) AVG will not cure it. I rate AVG as the best antivirus program around, but this little problem is not a virus. It is part of Windows (although a part most of us would be better without), and leaves you open to all sorts of communications, including those containing viruses. AVG will get rid of the viruses, but not the weakness that lets them in to begin with.

Hope this is helpful

I suggest StopZilla for Adware scanning and removal. Also. get rid of those browser toolbars which can contribute to adware infection.
I recommend AVG I have it's great doesn't hog up memory either!

I wouldn't press 'OK' because thats just going to make the virus worse. The 'OK' button is allowing the virus to download more spyware and unwanted stuff. Thats why it is connected to Internet explorer.

I had this type of error a while back AVG sorted. I got a Red 'X' in the bottom right side of my screen (where the clock is). It didn't seem to be windows as a windows error would say 'Click 'OK' to download anti-spyware' and no other application would do that.

Remember once you have downloaded AVG don't just sit there and say it's fixed because it wouldn't have you need to do a scan, I found that it takes a couple of scans to fix it because sometimes it miss' the file out or something like that...

Once you have done your scan remember to delete the stuff you have found! You probably find other unwanted stuff would by this program as well. It knows what is a windows program and what isn't o don't be worried to not delete stuff!...Oh, and it updates about everyday!

Hope it goes away,
Ok I did a full scan last night and left the computer on overnight and it found 3 trojans(eeeeeeekkkk) obviousley I got rid of them. However it also found a ton of other things but it doesn't want to seem to get rid of them. How do I do this using that AVG program?
And as of now that annoying pop up is GONE! At least I got 1 thing cleared up.
Thanks for all your help:)
I suggest StopZilla for Adware scanning and removal. Also. get rid of those browser toolbars which can contribute to adware infection.
I tried that beleive it or not,but it would't delete anything unless I bought the thing,so that kind of ticked me off knowing I had all that stuff on here but couldn't get rid of it...
I tried that beleive it or not,but it would't delete anything unless I bought the thing,so that kind of ticked me off knowing I had all that stuff on here but couldn't get rid of it...

Buy it, it's well worth the price. It will catch infections and popups that can't be removed by other means. For a small investment, it will prevent an invaluable loss of data.
Buy it, it's well worth the price. It will catch infections and popups that can't be removed by other means. For a small investment, it will prevent an invaluable loss of data.
Easy for you to say:hehe: Being 17 without a credit card is a little helpless. And we aren't really in the greatest financial times at the moment:confused: But I will bring this up the the queen bee and see what she says...