Good Bye everyone

Helps if you look at the post dates too :P

Its a late joke, but I don't think I could post the other one I had in mind
Helps if you look at the post dates tooApril 2nd, 2008, 04:25 AM
You posted at "April 2nd, 2008, 04:25 AM" ----->





Of course that's local time, so only works in the one country, or more correctly the one time zone.
You posted at "April 2nd, 2008, 04:25 AM" ----->





Of course that's local time, so only works in the one country, or more correctly the one time zone.

What the heck are you doing on the forum at 4 in the morning?

And yea AJ. One of the Clans from an MMO I play switched all their stats sigs to...uh, well, exotic phone chats, if you catch my drift. Everyone uses their sigs, pulls stats right from the servers, so all of a sudden hundreds of people were running around with this advertisement.
What the heck are you doing on the forum at 4 in the morning?
Hey I'm not the one that posted at that time, you did.

But taking account for daylight saving that's about 15 or 16 hours ahead of your time, approx. 11:25am or 12:25pm your time. Must have been 11:25, as April Fool is only suppose to last half a day.
thats the trouble on living on the otherside of the world you are day late:hehe:
:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
I am at the end of my rope. I cannot continue to create content.

I will be asking to have all my content removed from the DLS and other websites. I will uninstall Trainz and use the Disc's as stand ins for clay pigeons.

It was fun while it lasted, but at last the time has come.
:confused: and this is funny? :confused:

oh, April joke, ha ha. Tsk, Now the real clay pigeons have to suffer. :'(
Hi, all.
What happen on this thread? Time slip?

I could not come up with anything original, so I just bumped my April Fool's joke from 2 years ago.

Next year....I'll come up with something better (all my idea's involved adult themes...can't do that here)
Grrrr. Klinger, that was not a nice April Fools joke. There just aren't enough smiley faces available to portray a representation of my frowning, glaring, and menacing snarls.

Still, I guess the best April Fools joke is one that people fall for. And I did. Nice job Klinger, and I am glad to hear you're still here.