German Route experiment

Very Nice!

I'm not German either but it looks good to me!:D :)
What the FPS on that? You look like you have a lot of foilage.:confused:

This looks great, keep it up!

I can't judge on the details though as I don't have any experience of the German railways either, other than a short trip in Düsseldorf from the airport to the city.
I am German - yes, your countryside really looks like home.
I do not know about the rolling stock, as it is not visible in detail - there we have specialists who know which engine could pull which coaches in which historical phase. As I am not a railway historian I just do what I think looks good.
Don't think too much about the rails. I took photos in German stations: In the same station you find even parallel tracks which have concrete, wooden or steel sleepers, and ballast that is more grey, black, brown, red ... That also is different in different regions (north, south) and perhaps what was cheapest at the time the tracks were laid/repaired. The rusty type you used in your #3-message I would not use on mainlines, perhaps on old industry tracks with not much traffic.
The "small town" looks not really German. But I think that is difficult to built in Bella Vista AR, USA. Don't worry - I like what you started.
One suggestion: Try to use my backdrop "ForestHill_Spline" (click down "My content") - that is easy to use. Better backdrops (also German) are available from Corporal_Major (search for username on the DLS).
Keep going and post more pictures!
I am German - yes, your countryside really looks like home.
I do not know about the rolling stock, as it is not visible in detail - there we have specialists who know which engine could pull which coaches in which historical phase. As I am not a railway historian I just do what I think looks good.
Don't think too much about the rails. I took photos in German stations: In the same station you find even parallel tracks which have concrete, wooden or steel sleepers, and ballast that is more grey, black, brown, red ... That also is different in different regions (north, south) and perhaps what was cheapest at the time the tracks were laid/repaired. The rusty type you used in your #3-message I would not use on mainlines, perhaps on old industry tracks with not much traffic.
The "small town" looks not really German. But I think that is difficult to built in Bella Vista AR, USA. Don't worry - I like what you started.
One suggestion: Try to use my backdrop "ForestHill_Spline" (click down "My content") - that is easy to use. Better backdrops (also German) are available from Corporal_Major (search for username on the DLS).
Keep going and post more pictures!

That's why I stopped making specific routes based on a particular area. Other than Australian routes, I found that I don't know enough to be able to accurately model a route on other countries.

Even by looking at pics, I still couldn't get them right.

My opinion is this, a detailed fictional route is the safest thing to do in my view. That way people can't really say this or that is wrong, cos it's fictional.
Lo_Poly, are you doing an East German line, or a West German one? Cos there are a good number of differences if you are doing something that specific.

Lo-Poly and colhad,
it would be a pity if you stop your own fun building a foreign scenery: That is what Trainz is for! I think we have in the Trainz community both: Those who try to do it as authentic as possible, and others who like fiction and feeling. And both are right. The only problem is when we mix these different approaches.

I am playing with an Old West board - and I build the Old West how it lives in my fantasy. Of course I try to use content which are declared by the creator to be from this region. But I use also Australian dessert texture or trees - I like what I see. That is my Trainz fun.

Lo-Poly, I appreciate it that you wanted to model my country! I feel honored, that this is part of your fantasy! You show really a feeling for the countryside. Keep going with your land of dreams! It is your baseboard. And if you enjoy any help - let me know.
My opinion is this, a detailed fictional route is the safest thing to do in my view. That way people can't really say this or that is wrong, cos it's fictional.

Wise point of view, Colin! Counter nitpicking philosophy! ;) Or how to avoid bearing 'the third tree is two steps on the right and should be..." comments :hehe:

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Awesome pics, Chris, definitely gives a German feel.

My only suggestion is to remove approx a quarter of the buildings in that town, its really going to hurt ordinary PC's in the FR dept real bad. Reuse some of the existing buildings with a rotate, lower onject or decoration to give the illusion of a larger town and using less objects. From the 2 screenies I can see quite a few of the houses are only used once.
It looks like the spline count is very low so that helps.
Depending on how much trouble one wishes to go to on that town, delete approx a quarter of highest poly count assets and replace the gaps with lower poly assets from the surrounding baseboards.

Superb use of greenery and trees in the whole layout, I'll be keen to give this a run when its on the DLS. Top work. :D

Definitely would remind me of Germany of I saw it. The rolling stock reflects it too, being that they are stock from the Orient Express and all.
