GAA!! i hate circles....


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
i can make a circle in surveyor.
Im trying to follow a HO Scale Map but....well theres a circle in it and i cant make it.
Is there anyway to make a very nice circle? Like a template or something?
Thanks All!
circle, the radius is always the same all the way round.
1) establish a centre point amrk it with, say a tree.
2) use the ruler tool to make 8 lines all the same length like this:
- -
3) add track splines on the ends of those and connect them up

Voila, c'est manifique!!

Isn't there some fixed track pieces you could lay to make a circle? You could then lay spline track to duplicate it, and remove the static pieces if you wish.


Ed (Gaa!):eek: