G-Max Tutorials Not Working!!


True New York Central Fan
I know I should be asking this in the TurboSquid Forum but maybe you guys have had this problem, you click help, Tutorials, and nothing happens!:eek: :confused: I have already downloaded the tutorial from TurboSquid and the zip files from the Auran Content creator menu, and I cant find the zip files as well!!:confused: So could anyone help Me Please:eek: ?


Hello Nick,

Can't explain why the actual GMAX tuts are working for you. After you downloaded them, did you extract them into the gmax directory?

Anyway, if you are planning to create items for Trainz, you will find those tuts are not very useful. For a series of excellent tuts designed for Trainz try the following sights:

Paul Hobbs - "An approach to Content Creation for Trainz" at

Phil Campbell's "World of Trainz" at http://www.worldoftrainz.com/Pages/Tutorials.htm

The Trainz Learning Center at

Follow Pauls suggestions to setup GMAX first then try the brick box and go from there.

Make sure you have a copy of the CCG handy.

Have Fun
