Full Listing of my tutorials as of 20/03/2012

How about adding a brief one for displaying taddeamon in a window, then people won't shut their computers down before it closes. This causes many problems.
Options, developer, tick show database process window.

In my opinion taddeamon as open should be a default setting within Trainz with the option to have it closed if desired. I can't understand why it has never been made a default.
I agree, but it's difficult to convince N3V to sort things like that out.

In the meantime, my tutorial on making the process visible is in the first post.

Hi 1superstoker2,

Firstly, posting your email address in a public forum is never a good idea. If I need to contact you, I will use private messaging.

In order of your responses:

A - This is usually a sign of shutting down your system too quickly - allow at least 2-3 minutes after closing Trainz before shutting down.
B - To be able to advise on this, I will need to know more about your system.
C - As you may have found, it is essential in Windows Vista and 7 to run Trainz as administrator.
D - The Trainz diagnostic tool, in my opinion, does not always guarantee that the program will run correctly.
E - I'm suprised on this one, but it does indicate something wrong with your system.
F - Windows XP is usually less hassle in terms of permissions.
G - Trainz requires an up-to-date version of DirectX 9.0C, which is not always the case with Windows Vista or 7. See the first post in this thread for my tutorial on updating it.


Dear shaneturner12.

I purchased a new computer with windows home premium ever since than I have nothing but trouble trying to run trainz T12
A; it always runs a content check
B; it freezes frequently, in cdp/ whilst downloading/or trying to play trainz and it really frustates me
C; i have chanaged to run as administrator
D; the trainz diagnotics have all been passed wehen loaded T12
E; i have un/re installed T12 several times but no luck
F; give me windows xp anytime
G; have updated to directx 10

any assistance would be appreciated


You can email me if you want to jw475271@bigpond.com if you are allowed on forums??????

I have a new PC with Windows 7 Home Premium and Trainz TS12 runs with no problem, so I doubt it is the operating system.
Actually, it can be.

Important information related to it:

Windows 7 requires the game to be run as administrator, like Vista.

Windows 7 does not come with a full DirectX 9.0C, but instead it comes with a subset of it in the form of DirectX 11.


P.S. Please edit out the email address in your quote.
I was reading your tut on how to update drivers for my ati card. When I left my comp for a minute it got lost and I can't find it again. Don
I have just begun to really explore this software, I was so pleased today to see this post with links. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.
You will probably find my resources very helpful with some of the Trainz technical problems. Whilst most of the pages are linked to above, there are some hidden gems of mine in there somewhere.

There should be a dropdown there somewhere, but it should be possible to add to the SurveyorList by using the Get tool in Consist mode (the wheel tab, second button along)

My guess is that TS12 no longer supports custom lists. Have you tried using Consist mode's Get tool to add it to the default lists?
