Freight carried by U.S. railroads down 24.3 percent., let's do it this way...

:cool: Euphod, you so shock me....

Ed, when you see long intermodal & especially the drop-dead rate manifest freight trains pick up in business, car & locomotive storage disapear, then you know the economy is near-about to rise...this all began to occur before the recession was officially declared..

But I thought you knew this...
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...not my point...

:cool: I say again...when intermodal & manifest trains start increasing, that's a sign of pending economic upturn...
I can't state my opinion...:cool::hehe:

When 280 autoracks leave KRM, then we'll see.
around 50-60 Autoracks are stored on a CSX siding in Marshall Illinois, have been since late 2008.
I mis read. I thought you meant a 24.3% grade.
I was going to mention that a spur of the Yosemite Valley RR may have been something like 24%. It raised and lowered cars with rope and a stationary steam engine at the top. Not always sucesfully. But I won't.;)