Fixing Prowler901 engine sounds?


New member
I have several '06-era narrow gauge locos by Prowler901 installed in Trainz 12. They show up in the game fine with no faulty or missing dependencies. However, when running, there is no chuffing or idling sounds. I can blow the whistle and ring the bell fine, but otherwise the locos are 'giving me the silent treatment'.

I am aware the way sound files are put together has changed since the says of '06, so if anyone can provide a fix or create a new sound file from the ground up, thank you.
You would be better off getting a new sound file for the locomotives. Also, make sure the direct drive box is checked in CCP for the main bogies or else no sounds will work. I love using prowler models as they are still really nice even in TS12.
You would be better off getting a new sound file for the locomotives. Also, make sure the direct drive box is checked in CCP for the main bogies or else no sounds will work. I love using prowler models as they are still really nice even in TS12.

Thanks for the suggestion. Went into CCP and checked direct drive for the driving bogie. However, this did not fix the sound. What new sound file do you recommend?
Try one of the engine sounds by WVA-USA kuid 123250 there are a choice of engine sounds there.
Also check the invisible bogeys, they should either have NO direct-drive tag or if it is there it should be set to 0

Try one of the engine sounds by WVA-USA kuid 123250 there are a choice of engine sounds there.
Also check the invisible bogeys, they should either have NO direct-drive tag or if it is there it should be set to 0


I've swapped the sounds out for one of the sets you've suggested, however the chuffs sound like the engine is doing crazy speeds at maybe 10 or 15 MPH. Any way to fix?

EDIT: Nevermind, believe I've fixed it.
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Yes, that is probably because one of the invisible bogeys or some other bogey has a direct-drive tag set to 1
