First Layout (screens 1024x768)


New member
First Layout (High poly) Updated for TS2010

This is my first attempt at a layout. It's based on a model train I had growing up. It's highly detailed high poly count non-prototypical layout.
(image server is a bit flaky)

Update: I've updated the route for TS2010 (uses a combination of DLS and builtin content - should all be error free)

TS2006 version here:










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Man thats cool i wish my first couple hundred layouts turned out like that:o . When do you plan on realeasing it to the public?

Hey, that's AMAZING for a first attempt!:clap: :clap: :clap:

I've been at it for 3 years now and I STILL can't get my routes to look like that! ;)
If I did a representation of a model train I had, it'd just be a brown baseboard with an oval track on it. Cos, that's all mine was lol.

Nice looking shots Gasoline, just a small detailed area. Looks good.:)
Man thats cool i wish my first couple hundred layouts turned out like that:o . When do you plan on realeasing it to the public?


Thnx, I have a couple small tweaks and I'm still looking for some of my original rolling stock. but hopefully within the next few days.

I could not find any pictures so I was going from memory. The original model had no scenery objects except an atlas train station and switch tower. It was sitting on 2 4x8 sheets of plywood painted green. I've added a couple sidings but otherwise the 3 main lines are as accurate as I could remember. Even the bridge piers turned out nice. (had to place each bridge pier manually as no bridge track looked right)

It's a shame we had to tear it down.
This is my first attempt at a layout. It's based on a model train I had growing up. It's highly detailed high poly count non-prototypical layout.
(image server is a bit flaky)



Have you got a kuid number for that caboose? I like it!
Very nice route...:Y:
Great job for your first try!:D:clap:
Love the streets and the little deatils...
My first layout looked like it was done by a two year old!
I tried to upload to the DLS but failed due to "No Image associate with content." Not sure what that means, I'll try again later.

Here are the CPD's (download server is flaky)


All content is 100% error free dls with some TR2006 built in content.

There are 2 main lines and a third line linking from the 1st to the 2nd. It has 1 working industry and 1 station with several sidings and loops.
The signals should be placed for smooth operation for 2-3 trainz, even if running in the opposite direction.
Looks amazing gasolene!:wave:

The no picture thing you are getting is that there is to picture or thumbnail with it. You should not need this to upload.

Excelent job, a nice small layout to play around with.:D
Thanks very much.

TCS Route Builder
Thanks for the kuid # but I doesn't show up on the DLS. Only the interior and the test trucks show. Oh, well...:confused:
Wow! You can make alot of scenes from various places around the world on that layout! Really nice work there Gasolene! -Chris

lol, I was going for eclectic. No specific time or region. I just picked anything that looked good.

Thanks for the kuid # but I doesn't show up on the DLS. Only the interior and the test trucks show. Oh, well...

Content Manager says it's built in content, I have TR2006 with TrainzRoutes 1-4. It is a nice caboose, the interior is modeled for cab view.

I thought all TrainzRoutes content was freely available on the DLS, I hope so as I used alot of built in content.