First Class Ticket.. What Speeds should i get?


Trainz Addict
I got a 1 month FCT (got it from the game serial code) Anyways, I thought it was suppose to boost your download speed? Im on a 8meg DSL line and only get around 1KB-9KB/s and that only lastrs for about maybe 10-15 mins then just cuts out. Any help?

Does this Content Manager Plus need a Port opened?

Sorry if this in wrong section.

You should get speeds that your ADSL connection can take, but it depends on how much load there is on the DLS at any one time, I also have a 8mb ADSL connection and the speed flactuates from low as 5 - 9kb/s upto over 200kb/s. Sometimes I do get higher, but not often.
I get between 130 -200 kbps but average around 140 - 170 on a big download route 95mb with dependecies it could drop to 75.
I'm on a 150/256 plan

Connection Range

256 Kbps 20 -26 Kbytes/sec256
512 Kbps 42 -53 Kbytes/sec256
1500 Kbps 130 -160 Kbytes/sec256
2000 Kbps 150 -215 Kbytes/sec256
8000 Kbps 215 -800 Kbytes/sec256

The FCT doesn't actually "boost" your speed. It does give you access to a faster server though. I'm on cable internet in Oz (Australia for all you people who think I'm talking about a TV Show... We used "Oz" first) and I can get between 50-140kbps, depending on factors outside of my control.

The FCT doesn't actually "boost" your speed. It does give you access to a faster server though. I'm on cable internet in Oz (Australia for all you people who think I'm talking about a TV Show... We used "Oz" first) and I can get between 50-140kbps, depending on factors outside of my control.


Oh I thought it did, Oh well I was wrong :o Thanks for your help.

Yes it does, there's a ReadMe file in the TRS2006 directory that tells you how to set it up.


Thanks for that :)

and thanks everyone for your help!.
I get between 130 -200 kbps but average around 140 - 170 on a big download route 95mb with dependecies it could drop to 75.
I'm on a 150/256 plan

Connection Range

256 Kbps 20 -26 Kbytes/sec256
512 Kbps 42 -53 Kbytes/sec256
1500 Kbps 130 -160 Kbytes/sec256
2000 Kbps 150 -215 Kbytes/sec256
8000 Kbps 215 -800 Kbytes/sec256

Hi Dave,

Of course, the numbers you get depends on the slowest link between you and Auran's server. My Trainz box is sitting on a 45000 Kbps line but I rather get near 800 Kbytes/sec256 talking to Auran's server. I do average around 600 so I'm not complaining.:D

I am downloading something now and I have a normal download (no funny ticket thing) and it is downloading at 409 - 490 MBps which is quite fast.
I am cable with virgin and I am using a belkin wireless thing.
I opened my mouth too soon because 5 mins later it was back at 50KBps but it got faster or slower... :D
I got a first class ticket and I downloaded at...


I am not joking! I will send you a screen if you want!

I am with Virgin Media.

I managed to download 24 MegaBytes in 10 seconds!
from the sounds of thing you have the same problem i had. idk what causes it but re-installing TRS seamed to work. i'm now downloading between 4 - 300kps.

also once i when i didn't have a FCT i downloaded 4 3mb files in less than 3 sec (no clue how but i did) the download speeds are pretty unpredictable.

When I didn't have a first class ticket, I was downloading at about 400-500 Mbps but it dropped after about 5 minutes.
This was 2 days ago.

A first class ticket is definatly worth it with virgin because the speeds are incredible! It is faster than I would normally download from a normal website (e.g

from the sounds of thing you have the same problem i had. idk what causes it but re-installing TRS seamed to work. i'm now downloading between 4 - 300kps.

also once i when i didn't have a FCT i downloaded 4 3mb files in less than 3 sec (no clue how but i did) the download speeds are pretty unpredictable.