Fatal Error


New member
I just installed Trainz 2004 v2.4 Build 2365. When I try to load anything from driver, I get the following fatal error message

Exception @ 013593 DC in F:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\RenderDirectX9.dll

and then "unable to diagnose problem"

Any help will be greatly appreciated

You may want to make sure your Direct X 9 installation is still intact, mayby re-install it. If not try changing to Open GL rendering in preferences settings and see if that works.....all else fails delete Trainz and re-install.
Before you do anything else, you should run the dxdiag.exe program to see info about your Directx installation and to test it. Dxdiag.exe is in your Windows\System32 folder. You can run it from there or click Start\Run\dxdiag.exe and hit enter.

OpenGL is part of your video card driver. Contact the manufacturer of your video card to download the latest drivers.

I ran Dxdiag and it said no problems found in the beginning. I have no idea what the rest of it means.

Isn't there somewhere in this internet where there must be a place to download such OpenGL drivers, because my card is a Voodoo.
Yes trying that now, I can't contact my manufacturer because Voodoos are out of production and the company has been bought over (if im not wrong).
