Faster way to switch industries with AI?


New member
Right now, the only way I know of switching industries with AI is the long process of decouple this, couple that, unload it, couple this etc. Is there a faster way of doing this? I have some locals that serve 10+ industries and I don't want to spend all my time programming AI locals.
You can create an a session and edit the driver schedules. Click on the Edit Session Rules in the session and click on edit Driver Setup. You need existing drivers an trains to create the schedules, but there's no real short way, but there maybe a quicker way by using the Schedule Library Session rule and the related Copy Commands from Driver command.

Use the Schedule Library to setup the driver commands once for each of the industries. You simply add in the commands into the bar of the schedule you create just like you would while driving. You then save the schedule for later...

When setting up the drivers, you edit the Driver schedule in your session as normal.
Instead of just dragging in the Drive To, the trackmarks, etc., you grab the Copy Commands from. Inside that is from Library or existing driver. Choose Library and insert. You'll see a list of your pre-created schedules and when you add it in, you will see an icon on your driver's schedule-bar with just a lady at a copy machine.

It's actually less complex to use than it was to explain here. I have used to run a very complex route where I've created multiple schedules for multiple divisions on the route.

What's nice is the commands will expand in driver so they're fully editable there, which means if you find an error you can modify it and continue driving. Later on you can then make the change permanent by going back into the Schedule Library and updating the schedule there. (There's no way of transferring over the changes that I'm aware of)

What's also advantageous with this method is you can use these pre-created schedules any time during a driving session so let's say for example you have a train you need to run to the power plant that's in addition to the already scheduled train. You can click the loco, which will have a driver assigned to it as normal. Then use the copy commands from driver rule that has the schedule to go the power plant, etc. He's all set to go in one shot rather than constantly dragging in the commands all the time.

There's one hint when using this... You need to put in a wait command of 20 secs before the copy commands from to give the driver a chance to load them up.

You can also stack multiple copy commands one after another as needed so your drivers can go from one job to another, or as in my case continue down the long complex route almost unattended.
You could place the programmes for each industry in the schedule library and then just call up the schedule by any train as and when needed.