error with defect detector in TANE.


New member
I'm getting an error in TANE regarding the dragging defect detector. It's a VE30: The tag 'image' in '0' refers to a nonexistent file: 'art_icon.jpg'. I went and re-download the latest effects library (v_1.34b) into TANE, and I'm getting two errors. 1) Not authorized to open kuid2:45324:555201:2 for editing, & 2) Unable to open asset kuid2:45324:555201:2 for writing. Any ideas as to why, and/or how to remedy? Thanks.........RD
Im not sure which defect detector this is but the one on our site is operating correctly in TANE and TS12

For the other kuid you mention here which has no bearing on the defect detector I would suggest trying to either delete any of those causing the issue and redownload and reinstall. You may also want to try reverting to original on those to see if you can fix it that way.
It's the JR dragging defect detector. I deleted it and re-installed and still have an error on the Defect Detector Library v 0.5. It's a VE30: The tag 'image' in '0' refers to a nonexistent file: 'art icon.jpg'.
We'll need the exact kuid of this asset with the issue so we can compare. As noted before we have no issues in either TS12 or TANE on this asset. What version and build of trainz are you using?
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Art_icon.jpg is just a little picture to see what asset it is.

Delete the line completly or just copy another little art_icon.jpg from another asset or make one yourself.

Easy fix.

You may not have the most updated Defect Detector Library which is also on this page: Make sure to get that and make sure its not open for edit. I've checked that specific asset against TS12 and TANE and no errors and that specific error should not report with this file since it is pointed correctly in the configs.

If you still receive it i would make sure you are fully patched on whatever version of software you are using.