Enginesound not playing when wheels turn...?


New member
Hi, I have recently swapped the engine sound on gwr 43xx (by jonny211). I know this is an old loco but I have updated it so it will work with TS12. It is not a problem of the engine sound not playing in time to the wheels, it just wont play at all. I have looked everywhere for a possible fix but I cant find any more help on how to get this working. Can someone please help me fix this problem?

Thanks, Chazi.
Hello Chazi,
What format is the audio in? Is it a Mono .wav file? Did you match the engine sound files with the original sound files?
sometimes, if you have it under a completely different name than the original name it was originally, the engine sound won't even play.
also, is the engine file compatible with Ts2012? Some files won't work at all if it's obsolete :/
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The problem is not in the sounds. It's with the bogies.

Open the bogies for edit and add the direct-drive tag to the config.

Set it to 1 for the driving wheels and to 0 for the other bogie/s.

Then save and commit.

Also make sure you have an appropriate enginespec. The locos originally came with a diesel-style enginespec if I remember correctly. Paul Hobbs has some excellent TC3+ steam enginespecs on the DLS and I think he's done a 43XX one.

Hi Chazi here, sorry I didn't respond before I completely forgot about it! I have updated the GWR 43xx so it has the 2 cylinder sound like on GWR castle by Skipper1945 or Ben Neal's USRA locomotives and I am using the GWR 43xx e-spec from Paulhobbs but slightly modified to my acceleration & speed likings :). I even made a new whistle sound for it and updated the textures on the engine & tender! I have already put in the direct drive into all the bogeys for it, drivers or not. So I think I'll try what FuryTomic said, by seeing if its the same name, and mono whatever else needs checking...

I think that sums up what I'll try and have done to tell y'all, Thanks, Chazi :)