eep/virtural railroad5.0


Just noticed an odd thing in one of your earlier postings as going through this thread. You bought it from Troon which is in Northern England? If so it has moved mightily from where it was yesterday as Troon is normally in Ayrshire which is up here in Scotland? a big disdtance inside the Border.......!
If you want EEP that badly I would suggest going to and getting it from there, but I don't know if you would like it. It is more oriented towards prototypical modelling of German railway lines and is not much for those who like driving, if you would prefer an alternative that you can use in Trainz I will gladly direct you to some.


Edit: I forgot to mention, it is also in German, though I think you can get an english language version, and getting additional content is not like Trainz. Nearly all of it is payware.
No, I just did the demo, and even from the demo I knew I would not like the full version, besides, TRS2006 was cheaper and I think much better;)

I think that EEP is just as good as trainz. So why don't you like the full version of EEP.
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I've sent the company an e-mail about this, hopefully should get a reply in the next 24 hours about this, now back to Trainz.:)

Sorry for off topic mods


I wonder what happened to that e-mail.:(
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So did you have any money problems when you had bought it?

I bought eep3 some 2/3 years back from our local supermarket
I used it all the time before I found Trainz

it is published by Trend and produced by DEEP SILVER
and its in French

Its very good and there are more options for building routes than in Trainz
but its not so easy to do, but the end results are better

but like the man said its german and most of the addons a payware even tho the price is not great ( 2Euro for an engine )
Well I don't think that I really need the program in English I think it's more fun to just learn how to work that game. And besides I get to learn French/german while I am not at school.
You know what would be good. What if there was a function in the vehicle selection section where you could choose individual vehicles instead of the whole train so that you could alter/change what state the couplings would be in so that the computer could perform a run around automatically just with contact points.