I have TRAINZ 12 and have begun to edit some of the included routes to make (what I call) a new trip. For example, under the route... N&W Appalation Coal, and within that route are two included 2 trips, namely "Eastbound Coal Train" and "Westbound Coal Train". I chose to add a third trip, of my own. To do so, I opened the existing "Eastbound Coal", deleted the consist that was there. I then navigated in the Map View to an extreme corner of the map and placed an "Aerotrain" there. The next part was a but tedious... Using the map view I started the train in motion watching turnout positions carefully as I went. My goal was to transverse the map as far as possible. I was able through altering ZOOM magnification and start/stop the train as necessary... setting the turnouts as I go. It took a while, and I was able to drive the trip. Unfortunately, I missed a turnout somewhere about two-thirds along... Of course the train derailed and the session stopped. Now, here's "the rub"...
The Trip I saved can no longer be edited. There seems to be no way to accomplish that. Am I missing something?
Some food for thought... it would be nice if a train when it derails (home made trips as well as included trips) it would announce the turnout number or the end of track bumper where the derailment occurred, so you could search for that location on the map.
My REAL question... Is there any way wi edit a home-made trip?
My sincere thanks for any help I might be able to get.
The Trip I saved can no longer be edited. There seems to be no way to accomplish that. Am I missing something?
Some food for thought... it would be nice if a train when it derails (home made trips as well as included trips) it would announce the turnout number or the end of track bumper where the derailment occurred, so you could search for that location on the map.
My REAL question... Is there any way wi edit a home-made trip?
My sincere thanks for any help I might be able to get.