Edit Properties Faint


New member
When I click on edit properties for anything the writing in the
properties window is barely seen. With some objects part of
the information is ok but other info cant be made out.
For eg. the Multiple Industry - the word rate and Start Amount
are fine but the names of the objects like 20ft container etc and
anything under the word rate and start amount can barely be seen.
Does anyone have any idea why this is?
N3V denies that this is related to your desktop settings but I think it is. I saw this same thing when the background color of my Desktop was a light color which changes the text of icons to black instead of white. Changing the desktop to a darker background color made the icon text white again and the text in Trainz was readable. Also some panels in trainz are displayed in a striped down web browser. It might be that your browser settings are causing the problem.

Thanks for answering. I will check this out if I can. My first reply would
be why I can see some lettering perfectly fine but others not. If the background
is the problem I wouldn't see anything clearly but that isn't the case.
Problem has been solved. I found it by accident in one of the forums.
The solution was to uncheck the vertex option in the Advanced option
tab of the main Options Menu. This was for Trainz 2009 by the way.