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Get over it
I think I have a fairly good system for TS12 :Windows7 Home Premium 64-bit, Intel Core i5-3570K, CPU @3.4 GHz, 16 MB RAM and a NVida GeForce GTX 660 video card but on some of my routes I get some stutter and when switching views some pauses which can last up 10 seconds. Other than the problems with the stuttering in Trainz my system is running fine. So my question is do I upload a new driver or tweak the card that I have? Which leads to another question. Opened the NVida Control Panel and under Manage 3D Settings there are a number of items which I could change BUT I'm not sure at what settings I should be running Trainz on. If someone who is knowledgeable has any suggestions I'm ready to give them a try. As of now most of the settings are on what they refer to as Global or what I think of as default. Any insights, suggestions or knowledge will be appreciated.
I have the current drivers for my GTX780Ti which is the same driver you would have for your video card as well. The newer driver does perform better than the older ones which helps quite a bit compared to the previous release, but there are still those typical stutters in Trainz that we've grown to live with.

That said I have played around with the settings, and I could not find anything in particular to make things any better. In fact leaving the driver settings at default seems to work the best for me. There is one setting in particular to avoid called Triple Buffering. I set that and had a slide-show.

If you are interested in trying any settings, you could try loading up the old TRS2004 profile that is supplied by NVidia. I found I had very little performance increase with this and have since, as I said left things at the default.

Thank you John. I wrote down my settings before changing things and will see if I get any improvement. If not then I will probably update my driver.