drive to is gone


Active member
Hello all ,

In TS12 3.7 in driver my rule "drive to" has been gone .

The only thing i have is "drive schedule"
It happend after freezing CMP so i had to use force to quit the program.
And after a update .................

Any suggestions .
Hi Leksie,

Edit your session and check that the Drive to hasn't been unchecked from the list of Driver Rules.

hello John ,

I've chequed it and it was'nt there so i chequed the box.
But in driver it did'nt work , the same with "drive to trackmark"
So back to Surveyor and check it again if it's still there and yes it was stil there

When i go out of trainz and restart trainz , the session rule both boxes are unchecked .
I also tried to start again as administrator but no changes.
Try creating a new session to see if the commands are available.

If the commands remain after creating a new session, then your session is corrupted and needs to be rebuilt.

If they do not, then you might need to do a database repair.

If available, you might also check in Content Manager for faulty assets and see if it got flagged during the data base update/rebuild. I don't know much about 2012 but this was a big problem in 2010. The assets are not faulty but are flagged as such and (in 2010) you have to highlight them and check for error message. If they report no error message then the faulty flag will be removed and they work again. My system forced a rebuild a couple of days ago and I ended up with nearly 400 falsely flagged faulty assets.
If available, you might also check in Content Manager for faulty assets and see if it got flagged during the data base update/rebuild. I don't know much about 2012 but this was a big problem in 2010. The assets are not faulty but are flagged as such and (in 2010) you have to highlight them and check for error message. If they report no error message then the faulty flag will be removed and they work again. My system forced a rebuild a couple of days ago and I ended up with nearly 400 falsely flagged faulty assets.

This is still the case and have been burned myself when I've neglected to check for the faults after the scan.

Hi John and Torino,

"Try creating a new session to see if the commands are available. "

I did that and there were no problems , stupid of me not to try that or take an other excisting route.
I checked CM for anything faulty and the default session was gone .
All that after a forced closing .
But when CM is freezing , do i have to wait , maybe one hour that CM comes alive again ?

And Torino , i have now about 60 items with missing dependencies .

Thank you both for the attention.
This is still the case and have been burned myself when I've neglected to check for the faults after the scan.


I just had to deal with over 300 of these, and My CM shows that there are over 3,000 updates for content installed available! WTF happened? Was there a mass upload of updates?