drive/navigate to trackmark


New member
Hello trainzers

I am looking for a rule, somthing like drive/navigate to trackmark, but that lets the loco stop at trackmark, not the first car. So if a loco pushes a consist, it pushes it completely over the trackmark till the first loco and then stops. Does such a rule excist? Or does anyone have an other solution?

Thank you in advance

greets, Mellie
I don't know of a rule that would do what you are looking for directly. However, I wonder if you could make creative use of the DrivePastJunction driver command by atilabarut (there is also and AutoDrivePastJunction version). Potentially you could create an invisible junction (using invisible track) close to your track mark, and lock it in position so you can never derail. Then use DrivePastJunction, having first set the correct train direction, and your loco should stop close to the track mark.

Hello Mellie,

What are your trackmark ( trigger radius ) settings? Set those triggers at 5m ( or even less ).

Best regards

Kurt :wave: