Dorrigo _ Glenreagh route??



Does anyone know if someone has done (or is in the process of doing)
the old Dorrigo_Glenreagh NSW route?.

As these locations are in my 'back yard', & I've had a quick look,
it certainly looks interesting!.

Any body know of any previous discussion on this??.

No sorry theres no ( Prototypical ) Routes of it there might be some based on it but not real life. That would be an awsome trainz route if it was done to.

not that i am aware. it would a be an interesting map to make. i have some details on the line a book that has many of the station yard plans. if you interested give me a buzz.


Noel, Dennis (DeRiCo) may have some diagrams of the yards on this line and of different time "periods".

Thanks Scott & Craig,

For anyone interested, here's some excellent resource links:-

Dorrigo. Don't miss the link at the bottom; to the local team:

The line itself (as you move along the line, 3 separate map sections will display).
Clicking on place-names will take you to the data on that particular location,
& any available pics. but of course check out Glenreagh team's website & Google etc.:

The Glenreagh website's here:

This indeed will be a worthy project.
Yet another part of our Australian heritage rescued from extinction!.

Any takers??.

I like to help please :)

Hi 0099,

Your offer to help is encouraging, & I'm certain this branch line
will be a worthwhile venture for all who get involved.
Of special note is the fact that at either end, there's a large group of volunteer train enthusiasts, who are in fact rebuilding this line,
& that each has a website, & the line is fairly well documented.

So whoever picks up the baton on this one, will have a challenging yet most rewarding job ahead.

However please note:
I started this thread with the intent of finding out if anyone had already done this route, or was in the process of doing it.

At present I am not in a position to either start making it nor be on a team that does. However much I may so desire!.
That may change in time. I hope.

Let's see who else is interested in this venture, then perhaps a team can be put together to work on it.

I must say that Trainz has the ability to enthuse & gather people who see the need to prevent the further loss of our heritage, at times.

However please note:
I started this thread with the intent of finding out if anyone had already done this route, or was in the process of doing it.

At present I am not in a position to either start making it nor be on a team that does. However much I may so desire!.
That may change in time. I hope.


Okies you know where to find me if you need anything.:)

Hi nbrettoner
I went to the line last year and it would be really great to recreat the railway on trainz.
I myself am good with really detailed things like adding people and houses if you need help

Patrick Lane
Hi guys, (& any gals watching),

A genteel suggestion (& I know some are already quite busy with 'other stuff'):
How about those who commented/responded here, get together after perusing the links I provided,
& come up with a suggested plan of attack?. If so inclined. (a nice railway term :hehe: )

Also, if you can think of anyone else who may be interested,
contact them too.

It's possible that in a few week's time some of you may be able to
actually do a reconnoiter of the route.
Please bear in mind that at each end of the line are organisations
that together have a mountain of data on the line.
And for the sake of non-duplication, could be approached to assist
with a Trainz project on their pet interest?. :)


I was going to do this route a while back before I became tied up with Southern NSW !
I did some work on this one a while back based on TransDEM but havnt gone further. Ive studied the Google Earth images of the route and its still reasonable clear where the line ran after all these years, so I think it would be relatively 'easy' to use the GE images to trace the route and build the necessary files with TransDEM.
I would be prepared to do the basic ground file construction for anyone willing to take on this project if the person doesn't have TransDEM.
I'm also sure Dennis (derico) will have lots of handy maps etc for the various places of interest.
Let me know in this post and I'll email any bulk files if required.
Hi PG,

Happy New 2009 to you. :)

Although I am unable to be involved in this project at present,
I'm excited by your kind offer.
I'm looking forward to seeing a team form to tackle this one.

Being in Scott's neighbourhood (Ghostryder...Coffs Harbour NSW),
we've met & at some stage hope to do an 'exploratory' tour
of the parts of the line we can get at. :D

Previously in this thread are links to the railway historic organisations
at both ends of this line.
So there's a considerable amount of data available, both within our Trainz Community & 'on site'. :Y:

Hopefully this will entice people to seriously consider getting involved
in this very worthwhile project. :udrool::D:clap:

I've had a bit of a look along the route, as part of my 'hugging home'
(I returned from 20 years in NZ Jan 2008).
A nice potter one day, from Coffs >>Bellingen >>Dorrigo >> Coramba & home.

The route's an interesting scenic one, with some challenges that make it even more interesting.
And historic to boot! :wave: