Does Someone Moderate what is being Uploaded to the DLS?


Active member
I know this is a silly question, but does someone moderate the DLS uploads. I have just been looking at the most recent TS12 Route Layouts and all I am seeing carp (read it which ever way you like) Like !@#$mauro10052014$#@! - mauropam , 1111 - glebqip (Ha Ha, Just another empty map), 1New Route - newman1, 20120215 roger - RogerMc (a single bridge), 2013-10-08 0300 - PaulHenrik (nothing but a bare base-board, 2222 - glebqip (Empty map, ha ha), and it just keeps going on. Come on N3V, lift your game guys; start having a look at some of the routes being uploaded to your site.
Bob[TABLE="width: 1000"]
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You may find that it's not TS12 route content you are seeing. It may well be Trainz Ipad or Trainz Android content and that you may not have the required content to virw it properly.

Will we continue to see POSSIBLE junk from ______ on the database with T:ANE?

If it is material for other platforms then the vendor (N3V) should take steps to identify that and allow a filter to remove it from view in the Content Manager.

What it may be is not relevant since it looks like junk regardless of who is placing it.

N3V has shown little or no interest in managing the database in the past. They, and volunteers, spent many hours cleaning up bad items from past mismanagement of the database. Now all that work is being tainted by a new source of junk.
If you are referring to what you see in the asset thumbnail then you might be doing the route an injustice. TS12 automatically creates a thumbnail early in the creation of the route which probably is not representative of the final route. Have you downloaded any of these routes to see what they are actually like.
Quite, not everyone has twigged that in SP1 you can create a new thumbnail, Hint for those who haven't ......... Menu > Edit route > set Thumbnail.
If you are referring to what you see in the asset thumbnail then you might be doing the route an injustice. TS12 automatically creates a thumbnail early in the creation of the route which probably is not representative of the final route. Have you downloaded any of these routes to see what they are actually like.

Yup. One of my own, not uploaded and never will be routes, had a trackmark centered on a piece of track. I have since changed that to a more representative view of the route by editing the route and finding a better location to get an image from.

Thumbnail or otherwise, I have yet to stumble upon a Trainz iPad/Android route worth even two cents. The time spent on the novelty of taking a look at these is better spent watching paint dry. Just like you don't mix your dirty clothes with your freshly laundered ones, I don't think mobile content should be mixed with full-fledged content.
I have yet to stumble upon a Trainz iPad/Android route worth even two cents. The time spent on the novelty of taking a look at these is better spent watching paint dry.

While I understand the sentiment I don't agree with the implication. Anyone who was there at the very start of the DLS and saw some of the first layouts uploaded would probably, with the benefit of hindsight, make exactly the same statement. While I suspect that the limitations of mobile platforms may contribute to the "lower quality" of that content, both the technology and one would hope the expertise of its users, should improve.

... I don't think mobile content should be mixed with full-fledged content.

That I will partly agree with - there should be some way of applying a filter to separate out mobile content like there is to separate, for example, TRS2006 content from TS12 content.
All of the routes I refer to were TS12. The problem that exists for N3V is that if they continually allow the system to become clogged with junk people will stop using the DLS and Trainz might soon become irrelevant. Partly completed routes, bare base-boards and empty base-boards with words like 'Empty map, ha ha' written on them should be looked at before they are allowed to be published. Yep, some folks might miss the screenshot thing, but surely they could be prompted to take a more representative shot as part of the publishing process (i.e. a message to say , 'Your content will not be approved until a screenshot of the finished product is included' or words to that effect). To see what I mean, click on My Trainz, Download Station, highlight only TS12 content, then open the Routes icon and look at the screen-shots.
Unfortunately, that's a side effect of the automated nature of Download Station processing. If they had to moderate every single upload, then it could take days if not weeks for some content to appear.

If they had to moderate every single upload, then it could take days if not weeks for some content to appear.

... and ultimately, we will be the ones who will have to pay for this. To do the job properly would require a full time paid position - as dedicated as us Trainzer are, I don't see that many (or any) would be willing to volunteer for the job without some remuneration.

But even then there will be endless arguments over "quality" and accusations from certain parties that their content was being "censored" or discriminated against. It would be an impossible job. Take the arguments over moderating these forums and multiply them by .. 10 .. 100?
I think the method of knowing who the good content creators are or those who create the content that you're interested in and just downloading that has a lot to be said for it.

Cheerio John
John, many of us already use saved filters for well-known CCs. However if all of us resort to these to avoid all the junk then we'll miss out on less-known creators and "hidden gems" or just random cool stuff you often find randomly trawling the DLS, which is part of the fun.

As Peter said, if N3V wants to continue allowing mobile uploads that's fine, but give us a filter to hide all these already for god's sake.

... and ultimately, we will be the ones who will have to pay for this. To do the job properly would require a full time paid position - as dedicated as us Trainzer are, I don't see that many (or any) would be willing to volunteer for the job without some remuneration.

But even then there will be endless arguments over "quality" and accusations from certain parties that their content was being "censored" or discriminated against. It would be an impossible job. Take the arguments over moderating these forums and multiply them by .. 10 .. 100?

I hereby volunteer for the unpaid job ... I'll test out each and every one, shoot down 90% of the "POO" that is uploaded on the DLS
It would be a dirty job ... but someone has to do it :hehe: ... better than letting the auto uploader blindly check for errors, and roboticly let in a batch of 1000 Cyrillic labeled "reserved" assets, with no english description.
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Can you start by appending "MOBILE" to the beginning of every mobile upload like you have done with your Trainz please?
