New uploaded assets will take a day (sometimes two) before they appear in Content Manager - I believe that it is something to do with the refresh cycle for the DLS database used by Content Manager.
New uploaded assets will take a day (sometimes two) before they appear in Content Manager - I believe that it is something to do with the refresh cycle for the DLS database used by Content Manager.
I've noticed something related to this a while ago. It appears that content is made available around 2300 hours Eastern Time daily.
If the user logs in in the morning, then that session cookie is set and any downloads are from the previous day. If the user checks later on around 2300, he/she will find the newly available content ready, but upon checking the next day, there will be nothing since the uploads have completed for that day.
Yep. Around 10pm or 2200 hours for me here in Mountain Daylight Time USA. Maybe I'll start checking at 9PM or 2100 hours, as we are 2 hours behind you John.